Reasons for Women’s Hair Loss by Justin Trout Women suffer from - TopicsExpress


Reasons for Women’s Hair Loss by Justin Trout Women suffer from hair loss just like men do. But, unlike men, the loss pattern is often not easily recognizable, and is therefore usually left untreated far too long. It may be surprising to know that women make up 40% of American hair loss sufferers. Hair loss for a woman can be crushing to her self-image and emotional well-being, and, sadly, it is considered more socially acceptable for men to lose their hair than for women. Although hair loss is not life threatening, the feelings of unattractiveness, sadness and anxiety can actually be harmful to one’s physical health. It is for these reasons that women should seek immediate treatment for hair loss. Fortunately, there are great cosmetic products available such as Toppik, Couvre and Fullmore that provide instant results. Concurrently, a doctor may recommend Low Level Laser Therapy, Minoxidil, Propecia, or other hair regrowth remedies. Let’s examine several reasons for women’s hair loss. Hereditary Hair Loss, also known as androgenic alopecia, is the most common cause of hair loss in women. Thinning around the hairline and bangs is the typical starting point for this form of hair loss, which can begin as early as twenty years of age. The condition develops slowly, and, for some, can become diffuse, spreading beyond the hairline, throughout the scalp. Alopecia Areata, which affects more than 4.7 million people in the United States, is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks hair follicles. This disorder equally afflicts both men and women. Most commonly, alopecia areata involves round spots of hair loss on the scalp. Diffuse alopecia areata, also common, is when hair loss is scattered throughout the scalp. Blood tests are required to truly know whether your hair loss is caused by alopecia areata, and, besides the aforementioned cosmetic possibilities, medical treatments are available to help with managing alopecia areata. Excessive Styling is a well-known contributor to hair loss, especially in women. Too much dying, shampooing and styling can harm the hair and scalp. Overdoing it with a combination of heat, chemicals and blow drying is what causes the hair to become brittle and fall out. Some easy rules can help prevent this: For one, don’t dye your hair more than a couple of shades from its original color; the more extreme the change, the harder it is on your hair. Also, if you are using a gel or spray, don’t wait for it to dry before combing it though. Waiting too long allows the hair to harden, often causing it to break upon combing. Iron Deficiency Anemia is also shown to cause hair loss. Many times, women don’t eat enough iron-rich foods, which can leave the blood lacking enough red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body. A blood test to measure the level of ferritin, an intercellular protein that stores iron, can determine if one has an iron deficiency. The cure? Simply eat iron-rich foods such as beef, pork, fish, leafy greens, fortified cereals, and beans—preferably, along with foods rich in vitamin C. A doctor may also recommend taking an iron supplement. Hypothyroidism, which affects mostly women, is when the body produces too little of the thyroid hormone. Among other things, the thyroid hormone is responsible for hair growth, so having the proper balance of it within the body is essential. Symptoms of a thyroid imbalance can include hair loss, weight gain, brittle nails and dry skin. If a blood test confirms hypothyroidism, a doctor may prescribe thyroid medication designed to restore the necessary hormone level. These are just some of the possible origins associated with the complex issue of women’s hair loss. Personal research and a doctor’s help are necessary to find the root cause of any woman’s specific case of hair loss. As with most ailments, a proper diet, regular exercise and enough sleep, along with limiting stress and anxiety, will help keep hair intact longer. With any of these causes of hair loss cosmetic treatments are completely safe, and have no contraindications with any prescription medications. Even if hair transplantation is undertaken, Toppik can be used the very next day following treatment. So, go ahead, get the immediate solution now, then work on finding the overall cause and cure for your hair loss issue.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 09:56:29 +0000

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