Reasons why this song is brilliant: 1) Its a scathing critique - TopicsExpress


Reasons why this song is brilliant: 1) Its a scathing critique of American pop culture. Consider the lyrics: It doesnt matter what I say, as long as I sing with inflection. And: There is something amiss, I am being insincere, -In fact I dont mean any of this, -still my confession draws you near... And: When Im feeling stuck and need a buck I dont rely on luck because: The hook brings you back... 2) In line with the theme of critiquing pop music, the tune is a deliberate rip off of the classical piece Canon in D by Pachelbel (seriously. Youtube it), which is one of the most oft-used notes in all of pop-music. -To make your entire song, including its key, into satire, is about the most intelligent thing to have ever happened in music. 3) The rapping, so to speak, in the last verse of the song, is virtually void of content. On purpose. As is the last half of the second verse. Which he admits in the lyrics themselves: To confuse the issue I refer, to familiar heros from long ago, -No matter how much Peter loved her, what made the Pan refuse to grow... -That has no content whatsoever. And you KNOW thats deliberate. Popper is simply elaborating on his critique. 4) The song became their number one hit, proving his point. I think we need to reinvestigate this John Poppers genius.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 02:37:11 +0000

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