Reasons you must go to church: 1) GOD SAID SO: The Scripture is - TopicsExpress


Reasons you must go to church: 1) GOD SAID SO: The Scripture is unambiguous in letting us know that God desires His children to attend church meetings. In Hebrews 10:25, the admonition is clear not to forsake the assembly (meetings) of the brethren, and even goes on to indicate that some were erroneously doing so. 2) JESUS DID, SHOWING US A PATTERN TO FOLLOW: The scriptures show that the Lord Jesus had a culture of going to church. It was part of His personal discipline and devotion - His custom: And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read (Luke 4:16). The Master took going to church as an important activity, and having been called into fellowship with Him we should follow His example and live as He did. 3) IT IS THE VEHICLE BY WHICH YOU FUNCTION IN THE BODY OF CHRIST: A Christian is not a committed Christian until he demonstrates his commitment in the local assembly, because the local assembly forms an integral part of the spiritual body of Christ, which is Gods representative on earth. You cant function in that body until you function in the local assembly. The early church was made up of local assemblies, and several were mentioned in the epistles, for example Romans 16:5 and Revelation 3. 4) THE CHURCH IS THE PILLAR AND GROUND OF TRUTH (1 Timothy 3:15): God wants His children to know the truth about life, because the truth makes you free from bondage and sets you at liberty. In the Church, youre taught the truth. In the absence of the truth, a man will believe a lie and be a victim of it. For example the scriptures tell us that Jesus has abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. In the Church, these truths are not only taught, but explained. The teaching of Gods Word is crucial for victorious living, and the Church is the primary place for this. 5) THE CHURCH IS A PLACE OF FELLOWSHIP WITH OTHER CHRISTAINS: Fellowship with other Christians is crucial to the growth of a believer. In Hebrews 10:24-25 were admonished to provoke one another to love, and to good works. Were also to encourage one another. In Proverbs 27:17, the scriptures indicate that we sharpen ourselves as we fellowship. The company a man keeps will affect his life and grouth (1Corinthians 15:33). So keeping and being found in the right company is desirable, and going to church facilitates this. 6) THE CHURCH IS A PLACE WHERE CHRISTAIN GROWTH AND CHARACTER ARE ENHANCED: In Ephasians 4:11-16, the scriptures clearly state that God ordains certain offices for the benefit of the Christain, for growth and to sharpen his spiritual development. These offices are found in the Church, and men are ordained into them for the local assembly, for the benefit of those in that local assembly. 7) THE CHURCH IS A PLACE WHERE YOU HEAR THE WORD REQUIRED FOR FAITH AND LIFE: God requires us to live by faith, for without faith its impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). The preaching of the Word imparts faith and the teaching of the Word helps that faith grow as you understand and put what youve learnt to work. 8) THE CHURCH IS A PLACE OF TRAINING: In 2 Timothy 3:16, the Bible lets us know that the Word of God is given to train and instruct you. In the Church, God sets instructors who are able to instruct you in the truth, and help you culture your life. The Church is a place where discipline and proper conduct are imparted. These are required for your spiritual growth and effective service for the Lord (1 Corinthians 14:40). 9) THE CHURCH IS A SOLUTION TO LIFES QUESTIONS: In the Epistles we see the Apostles sending letters to the churches to address questions that the brethren had. It hasnt changed. The church is uniquely equipped by the Holy Spirit to communicate wisdom from God for questions a Christian might have. Getting answers from the world is a dead end, since the wisdom of the world cant satisfactorily provide solutions to lifes issues, because its destined to fail (1 Corinthians 2:6). 10) THE CHURCH IS A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN EXPERIENCE THE CORPERATE ANOINTING: As brethren dwell together in unity, the scriptures tell us in Psalm 133 that it provokes a corporate annointing that blesses everyone. The annointing is contagious and in the Church, by association, a Christian can do much more with other believer than he could by himself. 11) THE CHURCH IS A PLACE OF REFUGE, COMFORT AND REFRESHING: A Christian is guaranteed to receive encouragement and words of refreshing in church. This is often needed after the travails of the market-place of life. The church is a place where you can receive the undiluted truth, and learn new things that are progressively to your benefit. The church is a place of upliftment, encouragement and refuge. No wonder David was always delighted about being in church (Psalm 122:1, Psalm 27:4)
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 06:53:42 +0000

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