Rebasing kor Resurfacing ni :( mtscheeeeew ! Someone help me - TopicsExpress


Rebasing kor Resurfacing ni :( mtscheeeeew ! Someone help me remove Aunty Ngozi Okonjo-iweala urgly headtie and give her befitting Nigeria standard mode of dress to let fresh air get inside her head ! Each time I watched this woman talking on television I got feeling that her style of headtie doesnt fit to her education standard and job rather than just ordinary pepper seller in rural area somewhere in Nigeria ! Nigeria remains firstclass poor country in the world but over enjoyment and high quality of living of our leaders wont let them see the undiluted poverty living 24/7 with other 140millions Nigerians... Dear fellow Nigerians kindly help me repost this update till he get to Aunty Ngozi to wake up from her second world war coma ! By their urgly headties and mode of dressing you shall know them : Linda Togo,2014 ! #VexingModeActivated !
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 22:53:08 +0000

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