Rebecca DSpain What do you get if you cross Paul Ryan and Joni - TopicsExpress


Rebecca DSpain What do you get if you cross Paul Ryan and Joni Ernst?... a pit of baby cannibal snakes. Like · Reply · 5 · 9 hrs Patrick Sullivan Consistant!! Like · Reply · 1 · 12 hrs Bonnie Wong But, see, thats the thing. Ernst did NOT grow up poor. Her family received assistance. Like · Reply · 564 · 12 hrs Barroq Safi $460,000 worth of farm subsidies does tend to call out Senator Breadbags. Like · 40 · 12 hrs · Edited Frank Cirillo How about $450,000? Like · 6 · 12 hrs View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Jann Noddin One has class...the other just an ass Like · Reply · 201 · 12 hrs David Tuccaro Hit the nail on the head!!! Like · 6 · 11 hrs Laser Haas Well said Like · 6 hrs View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Frances Guido Scalise I find these poor me stories repugnant. (I dont mean Warren.) Ernst isnt poor now so who cares ? Its her policies that will impoverish more Iowa folks today. Like · Reply · 144 · 12 hrs Michelle Hoppe Warren is a liar!!! Cherokee Liz! Like · 5 · 10 hrs Michelle Hoppe Oh and the clintons were dead broke! Get a clue Like · 2 · 10 hrs View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Kero Guynes Ernst suddenly had an epiphany that she didnt need all that money so homegirl is on a mission to eradicate any federal aid that might help a family that is actually POOR Like · Reply · 129 · 12 hrs James Leddy Or she sees all you people abusing the system...dont act naive, you know damn well the shit is mostly abused by lazy people Like · 1 · 4 hrs Joshua Adam Schofield Back it up with facts, James. Like · 3 · 3 hrs View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Rodney Hale What is ironic is that Ernst family received set-aside monies and she supports cutting any and all subsidies to help the poor have enough to eat. Like · Reply · 118 · 12 hrs Kevin D. McGee Rodney Hale, you are exactly correct. Thats the GOP mindset. Like · 2 · 11 hrs James Leddy Or people are tired of putting their hard earned money in the hands of lazy people. Most people dont do as she did and succeed. Most of the welfare recipients just further breed uselessness. Teach your kids its ok to not go to school and get a job, all the hard working people of this country will pay your way. Disgusting!! Like · 1 · 4 hrs View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Eleazar Andres one went wow this sucks, when i become successful ill try my best for other peoples lives not to suck like this and the other is Mrs bread bag lady. Like · Reply · 110 · 12 hrs Michael Chapman I cannot like this enough. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like. Like · 7 · 11 hrs MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Mary Prentice cant wait for elizabeth warren to run in 2016 Like · Reply · 89 · 12 hrs Michael Chapman I wish she would. Like · 3 · 12 hrs Samantha Gayle Ward Me too!! Like · 3 · 11 hrs View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Pamela King Tappan Hypocrisy gop style. Like · Reply · 85 · 12 hrs Lauren Carter if I could like this 100 times I would. Like · Reply · 75 · 12 hrs Nathan Price Sr. I will like it for you then Like · 5 · 12 hrs · Edited Sharon Wood same here Like · 4 · 11 hrs View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Heather Diaz There was a post by Huffington Post recently that reported Sarah Palin was considering running for president. All of the Conservatives went crazy supporting this asinine notion. They continuously accused liberals of being afraid of Palin! I couldnt stop laughing! Elizabeth Warren would demolish Palin!! And I would love to see her get knocked off her narcissistic pedastal! Especially by Elizabeth Warren!!! Like · Reply · 43 · 12 hrs Sharon Wood Elizabeth Warren doesnt want to run for pres., shes busy as it is right now. But, I agree with you, Heather. Like · 6 · 11 hrs Heather Diaz Yes, and I think I actually admire her MORE for not running. I have so much respect for her!! Whenever she chooses to do so, she will have my vote!!! Like · 7 · 11 hrs View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Wanda Morrow Hulderson Do you really believe Joni Ernst was that poor? It just makes a good story. Her family made a good living off farm subsidies given to them by the govt. They were big farmers. She is now worth over $11 million. Believe her poor story if you like. I believe its just stage crafting. Like · Reply · 40 · 12 hrs Robert Heffernan Senator Warren we need 99 more senators like you. Like · Reply · 36 · 11 hrs Jo Ann Medley The problem with comparing these two using their childhood incomes to then arrive at how they currently think isnt logical. Warren is an intelligent, critical thinker - put simply, Ernst is a loon. Like · Reply · 36 · 11 hrs Phyllis Crill Comparing these two is like comparing apples and oranges. First of all, Warren is intelligent and educated. Whoops, case closed. Like · Reply · 32 · 11 hrs Chris Wellman Chris Wellmans photo. Like · Reply · 30 · 11 hrs Carole E. Jones Bachman was just slow and naïve. Pallen is hatefully stupid ! Like · 10 hrs MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Deborah Macgillivray Ernst was ashamed of her roots, so she now tries to reinvent herself as part of the 1%, and forgets she needed a helping hand to make it. People often hates the most that which reminds them of things they dont want to remember. Like · Reply · 28 · 12 hrs Libby Rego Agreed! Like · 11 hrs Kevin McHugh Compared to Warren, who tries desperately to hide her membership in the 1% so she can keep fooling the gullible. Ill let you figure out who the gullible are. Like · Just now MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Donna Brown If Joni Ernests family were so poor she had to use bread wrappers for goulashes, where did they get the money to buy the bread? Walking to school those wrappers wouldnt last very long. We were poor and I bought my kid rain boots at St. Vincent de Paul, or the Salvation Army stores for a buck or less, and they lasted all year. Like · Reply · 27 · 11 hrs Carol Wolter This dumbbell ditz is out of it! 2 quarts LOW! Like · 2 · 11 hrs Debora Origer- Bartlett-Lakey And I am from a family of fifteen children. We were dirt poor. We wore plastic bags over our socks and then put our shoes on. Our parents bought our shoes at yard sales or second hand stores. They always bought them big. Kids grow rapidly. When we out grew our shoes and still in good enough shape, they were passed down. We had a couple outfits each. Those of us who were close in size, we shared our clothes. We were lucky to get one gift for Christmas to share with our siblings such as a doll for all the younger girls to share and our older sisters got hair rollers. Nine girls. Six boys. The boys usually got a bat and ball to share. People, if they were poor, either forgot their struggles or became selfish. BTW we never ever received assistance. We need people to fight for real livable wages like FDR intended, National Healthcare like the other civilized countries have (like FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt try to get for us). I think most of those dimwitted bimbos have an IQ of less than 50, and those who are poor who vote republican are about as bright. Sheeples People who are unable to think for themselves. Lemmings. Those with no cognitive ablilities of their own. Like · 13 · 10 hrs MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Nita Watier how does half a million in agricultural welfare, qualify as poor? Like · Reply · 27 · 12 hrs Don Donofrio It qualifies as lower middle-class when you consider that her father only got a total of $40,000 over 20 years. Thats $2,000/year. The rest of that $400,000 comes when you add in the money from all her relatives farms, which is ridiculous to do in the first place. Are you as rich as the combined wealth of all your relatives? Like · 2 hrs Nita Watier Id be feeling pretty good if Uncle wished to hand me 20 k a year extra...inquisitr/.../joni-ernst-on-welfare-gop.../ Joni Ernst Received Government Assistance? GOP Senator’s Family Took $460,000 In Taxpayer Handouts inquisitr Like · 2 hrs · Edited View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Cathi Pelelo Im from Iowa where anything associated with farming is automatically good. Farmers do feed the world and I have great respect for them, but its a mistake to think there arent immoral farming practices and immoral farmers. They dont deserve to have zero scrutiny just because theyre farmers. Now Im seeing the same thing with our combat veterans. God Bless those who have put their lives at risk for our freedoms. But theyre not automatically of the highest moral character just because they served. It behooves us to realize they are, indeed, still people. And as people they can and should have their actions scrutinized, particularly if theyre making our laws. Like · Reply · 25 · 2 hrs · Edited Rivera Miguel Rivera Miguels photo. Like · Reply · 23 · 11 hrs MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Rivera Miguel Rivera Miguels photo. Like · Reply · 22 · 11 hrs Eileen Ahern Elizabeth has got my vote Eileen Aherns photo. Like · Reply · 21 · 11 hrs Jim Reich The two faced hog castrator doesnt have a moral bone in her body!!! Go senator Warren!!! Like · Reply · 21 · 11 hrs Richard Dewey Its quite unfair to put these to up against one another. Wonder bread eater, Joni Ernst is, from all evidence so far, a crazed crackpot with only the shallowest understanding of her job in the Senate. Ernst state of the Union speech rebutted was copied from her stump speech to run for Senate. So full of drivel it was embarrassing to watch. Her ego has no bounds, she has no humility. We are stuck with this person for six years. Senator Warren has proven herself an articulate progressive, capable legislator, with an understandable background that is makes sense. Like · Reply · 19 · 5 hrs Eric Stowe Thank U, thank u, THANK YOU!!! you got it exactly right! Like · 4 · 4 hrs MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Rick Hess Ernst is Sarah Palin lost sister. Like · Reply · 19 · 11 hrs Alexa Camacho I wish Elizabeth Warren would run for President! But having her as a trustworthy senator, Ill take it Screw Ernst -__- Like · Reply · 19 · 11 hrs Thomas Dedcovich Her in office with sanders senate leader would do so much good for this country. Like · 2 · 11 hrs Alexa Camacho I know, I agree! Now seeing that happen is another story! But we can all certainly hope. Like · 11 hrs View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Michael Buddy Gallegos Jr I love senator Warren! Ernst is just an embarrassing tool! Like · Reply · 19 · 12 hrs Terry Schellenberg Love Warren. Need to clone her. She is the perfect example of what a senator should be. Like · Reply · 18 · 9 hrs Melissa Miles The Republicans of 1865 are most assuredly not the ones of today. Back then, they were the radicals and idealists, but over a century the parties completely switched positions. MLK was not a backer of the GOP, and to say so is an insult to his memory. Like · Reply · 18 · 9 hrs Kevin McHugh He wasnt a Democrat either. Like · 1 · 6 hrs Ariana DOyen thats right he wasnt a Dixiecrat Kevin McHugh, so whats your point? The parties have completely switched positions like Melissa said. This man who died to get all citizens voting rights would have voted Democratic if here were alive now. Like · 2 · 3 hrs View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Paul Gosal This perfectly sums up the differences in the core ideologies of each party. Every man for himself vs. All for one, one for all. Like · Reply · 18 · 12 hrs Joe Woodle I guess you havent noticed that quarter of your income the republicans have blown on an incredibly inflated military budget. Republicans never get tired of buying bullets. Like · Reply · 17 · 9 hrs Kathy Gray Biggest welfare queens are Republicans. Like · Reply · 17 · 11 hrs Rick Allen-Phillips Most of the wealthy received their $$ through some form of federal assistance. Corporate tax breaks are welfare disguised as job growth. Like · Reply · 16 · 11 hrs Thomas Dedcovich Give us money, I swear we wont keep it! Like · 11 hrs Gee Edwards Gee Edwardss photo. Like · 2 · 5 hrs MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Paul V. Vitagliano Its called EMPATHY. Something every blackhearted, petulant and greedy Republican knows NOTHING about! Like · Reply · 15 · 9 hrs Barbara Tarburton Love Elizabeth Warren. She is great. Like · Reply · 15 · 12 hrs Chuck Whelan Yes. Shes a great liar and phony. Youre right. Like · 1 · 10 hrs Andrea DeDeaux Chuck Whelan where have you been. Oh right! Busy drinking the Kool-Aid and watching Faux News. Like · 8 hrs · Edited MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Nick Clemente This mischaracterizes Sen. Warrens view as I understand it. She isnt saying that she never got anything. On the contrary, she is saying that in her day, this country invested in young people so that a poor girl with a brain and some hard work could be successful. She is arguing for a reallocation of public resources to increase our investments in the things that enable young people to get ahead. She is articulating her desire to make sure that todays young Americans get the same kinds of public investment that she got. This is more compelling argument and one that deserves to be debated. Like · Reply · 14 · 36 mins Chris Westmoreland Well said Like · 20 mins Glen Burnap Very well said. The investment in our children IS our future. That is why it amazes me how the GOP continues to try to make getting an education more difficult and more expensive! Like · 14 mins MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Jim Mingle The quote below is from Iowa paper. Why is federal aid to help pay for college good enough for Joni Ernst, but not Iowa students trying to afford a higher education? party spokeswoman Christina Freundlich said in a statement. Joni Ernst wants to take away the very opportunities from todays students that helped her get where she is today. It sounds very hypocritical to me Like · Reply · 14 · 2 hrs Rick Radcliffe There you go again, getting information from Iowa on Iowa. Next thing you know, youre gonna use some,FACTS!! Oh god what a nightmare! Like · 19 mins MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Scotty Lowery Todays GOP is the blind leading the dumb. Like · Reply · 14 · 11 hrs Isaac Chase If there is not an SNL sketch of Joni Ernst tonight, Ill be VERY surprised! Like · Reply · 14 · 12 hrs · Edited Joseph Shay And one has brains, the other is brainless. (Left to right photos.) Like · Reply · 14 · 12 hrs Kevin Collins Mrs. Warren is my hero I love it when she makes other members of congress explain their hypocrisy! Like · Reply · 13 · 9 hrs Carol Lamagna Musso There is no comparison. Ill take Elizabeth Warren any day!! Like · Reply · 13 · 11 hrs Jennifer Smith-Stewart I absolutely adore U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren! She is an amazing woman and an inspiration to all young women! Like · Reply · 13 · 11 hrs · Edited Mary Kenez Well, true, but there is a lot more to it. I cant place my finger on it, reading Michael Chapmans comment helps, but there is something else here. I think it is an IQ difference in favor of Warren by double digits, LOL. Like · Reply · 13 · 11 hrs Teresa Elwell Teresa Elwells photo. Like · 1 · 11 hrs Michael Corliss Im not sure why this is here. You do realize this quote is satire? She didnt actually say it, and shes not part of the discussion (certainly not this particular post). I dont get it. Like · 1 hr View more replies MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Rick Freeman My thinking is that one grew up the others emotional development was stunted. Like · Reply · 13 · 12 hrs Hugues Girard Following the logic to its natural conclusion, should we take that to mean one is fully grown when one has no emotion left? Like · 11 hrs MagicMike Berger Write a reply... Orville Bruce Jones They both went different directions and Elizabeth chose the high moral road in service to the people from which she came. The other joined the rich and left her fellows. Like · Reply · 29 · 12 hrs Lori Stoor To be a republican politician you take full advantage of government subsidies to get ahead, deny later and call it hard work............. Like · Reply · 13 · 9 hrs · Edited Susy Crandall The difference is that one is smart and the other is stupid. Like · Reply · 12 · 12 hrs Melissa Miles Guy Clarke, your statement is nonsensical. There is not space enough in all of FaceBook to list the ad hominem attacks launched by the GOTP. Obamas from Kenya, he ate dog as a child in Indonesia,etc., etc., etc. No Republican has ever won a debate against him, and this is all they have. Like · Reply · 11 · 9 hrs Sandrea Jeane Senator Warren, NOT afraid to roll up her sleeves & get to WORK. Joni Ernst, shows off her absurd FUGLY Camo pumps the night of the SOTU, after her ridiculous Rebuttal. Guess she ran out of Bread Bags. Ya, were making fun of her! Her story was CRAP! My mom grew up on a small, self-sustaining farm during the depression, & never used the word POOR to describe her childhood. She & her sibs walked 2-3 miles most days to attend a 1 room School House. If Ms. Ernst could attend School, riding a bus, things werent that bad! Starting school with Ford, through Reagan, she surely experienced some Trickle Down economics, & some BIG Fat Govment subsidies! Like · Reply · 11 · 10 hrs Joanne Hicks-Scott The sad truth is those pumps played to the base. These teatards understand how pathetically stupid their base is & they have no problem dumbing down to accommodate their ignorance; its how they get elected. Like · 2 · 1 hr Sandrea Jeane Yep!! They nit-pic ANYTHING Dems wear (Barack Obama tan Suit, Hillarys Hair). While their darlings wardrobes get almost * status!! There have been some gr8 memes w/ Palin in some pretty skanky attire, along with her appearances @ Gun Shows. Classy!! Shes NO LONGER a Politician, but I hope to H3ll she runs in 2016. We need the comic relief & more Political Satire!!!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 17:16:26 +0000

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