Rebirth is focused like a laser beam on the ta-tas TODAY, TOMORROW - TopicsExpress


Rebirth is focused like a laser beam on the ta-tas TODAY, TOMORROW and YESTERDAY...the Revelations of the Revolution continue... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hey, Ya;ll, I AM making faith! Effective today, the Rebirth Alliance, a non-profit breast cancer awareness organization will be concentrating and focusing on encouraging early detection, awareness, education and screening of women for their annual mammogram, and soliciting donations for our Cards For Cancer program. The Cards For Cancer program provides FREE $25 - gas, $20 - personal items and/or $15 - meal Visa/MC debit gift cards to ANY low-to-moderate income, little to no medical insurance or the working poor cancer patient, but especially breast cancer patients, who are CURRENTY going though chemo and/or radiation at a cancer treatment facility in Jackson. *The working poor are those considered to earning $20,000 or less to meet our application guidelines for gift cards recipients.. In other words, here I go again, worrying the crap out of ALL of Yall women, especially young, Black women, Ashkenazi Jews (Caucasians of Eastern European descent), and then, white women and other ethnic groups and races to get YOUR mammogram TODAY!!! (And any man who notices an unusual lump or bump or changes in YOUR breast tissue and area, immediately set up an appointment with YOUR doctor for further analysis.) Breast cancer in men is rare, but it does happen. WOW! In-box me or e-mail: rebirthalliance2008@aol, or call/text me @ (601) 966-7552 ASAP to learn how you can get more involved with Rebirth and our signature projects and programs. Rebirth is going to do OUR part, including and up to actually meeting you at the doctors office to get your mammogram, or any other doctors appointments! Seriously! So, now YOU do YOUR part in the fight to find (and fund) a cure, and keep the faith. I AM! ~ Steph . P.S. Although our tax-exempt status for tax write-off for your benefit and ours was unbeknownst to me revoked on May 15, 2014, and is NOW being reviewed by the IRS for prayerfully a quick reinstatement very, very soon, ANY and ALL amounts of financial donations/contributions to Rebirth may still be made by mailing them directly to OUR address: Rebirth Alliance, POB 9431, Jackson, MS 39286, or call me for pickup of your check or cash (with me giving you a receipt) for contributions of $100 or more. YEP! Starting all over again is gonna be rough, be rough, but were gonna make it IF we try. (in Hal and Oats voice) YIPPEE!!! Again, keep the faith! I AM! ~ Steph
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 17:23:46 +0000

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