Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee - TopicsExpress


Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 让你每天轻松又享“瘦”。 懒人瘦身 NO 1 14天让你狂瘦15 镑!! 来自日本,最畅销瘦身产品 REBORN LACITINE GREEN COFFEE 震撼全马瘦身界。 全新组合,市场独一无二,达到快速瘦身效果而100%天然成份,无副作用。 早上享受一杯天然瘦身绿咖啡让你每天轻松又享“瘦”。 一个新完整的绿咖啡让你对抗肥胖的问题, 其高水平,广阔研究,日本唯一首家自创, Reborn Lecithin 使你变的更有身材。 Lecithin Green Coffee 共有7种的 Active Ingredient 绿咖啡(Green Coffee) 绿咖啡是没被烘烤过的咖啡豆,它含有很高的营养成分。咖啡豆包含大约250种不同的化学物质,一些对人类健康有正面作用。减肥主要的功能,是能在短时间内加速体内的血液循环,和新陈代谢,达到快速燃烧脂肪的效果。 (注:市场上只有一家公司在用,Farmasi的牌子Kxxxxxxx 和我们 De Beauty ) 卵磷脂 (Lecithin) 卵磷脂的是大豆卵磷脂的主要成分。卵磷脂的最大功能是它能够分解脂肪的分子。让脂肪的分子变小,容易被燃烧。卵磷脂是医学上已经证明,以减少胆固醇,增加新陈代谢,增强肝脏功能。卵磷脂在过去几年里已在德国广泛使用作为局部脂肪燃烧或燃烧整体脂肪。效果好,又安全。(注:市场上没有任何一家公司在用,只有 De Beauty ) 左旋肉鹼(L-Carnitine) L -肉碱是9种的必需氨基酸的其中一种。L-Carnitine也能帮助运输体内的葡萄糖到身体的每个角落达到平衡,就不会让身体有部分肥胖的问题出现。 左旋肉鹼(L-Carnitine)能把脂肪在短时间内把带入线粒体(细胞的其中一个部位,主要是燃烧脂肪,转换能量运用)帮助脂肪完全燃烧把它转换成能量让身体运用消耗。無副作用。服用左旋肉鹼(L-Carnitine),配合有氧運動,能提高脂肪的消耗,減肥達到事半功倍的效果! 绿茶 (Green Tea) 绿茶当中含有的茶多酚(Polyphenols),能帮助抗氧化,抗菌,抗肿瘤,抗病毒,压制“低密度脂肪蛋白”(LDL)(分解血液中的胆固醇)和压制“血糖上升的功效”与保护细胞防止自由基破坏。 绿茶所含的抗氧化物质“儿茶素”(Catechins,是茶多酚的一种),对减肥有明显效果。 绿茶所含儿茶素能有效帮助解决腰腹部肥胖,同时绿茶能间接提升新陈代谢加速脂肪燃烧,分解甘油三酯酶达到减肥的效果。 维他命 B(Vitamin 有帮助提升线粒体的燃烧能力,维他命 B 是线粒体的营养供应。缺乏维他命 B 的供应线粒体的能量不足,很难消耗由左旋肉鹼(L-Carnitine)带来的脂肪。 藤黄果(Garcinia) 它具有3大功能,它能抑制脂肪的合成,原理就是在人体葡萄糖转为脂肪时,抑制其中一个ATP CITRATE LYASE的酶素 ,使脂肪酸无法合成,拼且抑制糖解(Glycolysis)作用的进行。促进脂肪酸的燃烧,迅速激活肾上腺素加快脂肪消耗,分解燃烧大量的脂肪。和减少脂肪的吸收,藤黄果含有丰富的植物纤维素能使胃具有饱和感,使人体减少食物的取入。 幾丁聚糖(Chitosan) 其原理是當人體攝取脂肪及脂肪酸後,幾丁聚糖(Chitosan)可以在消化道內阻礙脂肪的吸收且將脂肪排出體外卻又不會影響到人體必需的蛋白質吸收。因此減肥的人可以食用含脂肪的蛋白質而不必擔心吸收太多由脂肪提供的熱量。因此可減少體內多餘脂肪及膽固醇而達到減肥的功效。 Green Coffee Beans has become the latest fashion in slimming product Lecithin Green Coffee Product Ingrained List: Green Coffee The Green coffee is coffee beans that which have not been roasted and it contains high nutritional ingredients. Coffee beans consist of 250 different types of chemical substances, some of them have positive effect on human healthiness. The main function of the slimming is to be able to fasten the blood circulation and metabolism process within a very short period of time. Hence, it is able to achieve the speedy effect of fat burning. Lecithin The Lecithin is the main ingredient of Soybean Lecithin and its main function is to break down the fat molecules. It reduces the size of the fat molecules so that these small fat molecules are easier to be burned away. Medical research has proven that the Lecithin can reduce cholesterol, enhance metabolism process as well as the function of liver. In Germany, Lecithin has been widely used as local or overall fat burning. The effect is good and safe too. L-Carnitine L-Carnitine is one of nine essential amino acids. It also helps to deliver the glucose in the body to the whole body evenly. This will eliminate the problem of partial fat in our body. L-Carnitine will let the fat to be penetrated into mitochondria within short period of time. It helps to burn the fat fully and converts the fat to become energy for the body to utilize. It has no side effects. When we consume L-Carnitine, it is good to combine with aerobic exercise which will enhance the fat burning process as well as the slimming effect! Green Tea The green tea contains Polyphenols which help in anti-oxidation process, anti-bacterial, anti tumor, inhibiting Low-density Lipoprotein - LDL (breaking down the blood cholesterol) and inhibiting the increase of blood sugar as well as protect the cells by preventing the damaging effect of free radicals. The anti-oxidant substance, namely Catechins (a type of Polyphenols) which has a significant slimming effect. The Catechins in green tea helps to eliminate abdominal fat. At the same time, it enhances the metabolism process indirectly which helps to fasten the burning process, break downs Triglycerides enzyme and achieves the slimming effect. Vitamin B It helps to enhance the burning ability of mitochondria and it acts as the nutritional supplier to mitochondria. The lack of vitamin B in mitochondria will result insufficient of body energy which will cause the difficulties in fat burning process which is delivered by L-Carnitine. Garcinia Fruit (Garcinia Cambogia) It has three main functions. Firstly, it inhibits the synthesize process of fat. The theory is based on the fact that when the glucose in the body converts to fat, it inhibits the ATP CITRATE LYASE enzeam which causes the fatty acid cannot be synthesized and inhibits the process of Glycolysis. It enhances the burning process of fatty acids and speedily activates adrenaline and therefore, fastens the elimination of fat. It also breaks down as well as burns off huge amount of fat and reduces the absorption of fat. The Carcinia fruit is enriched with dietary fibre which can increase stomach full feeling and thus reduce the consumption of food. Chitosan The theory is based on the fact that when body consumes fat and fatty acid, Chitosan will be able to block the absorption of fat in the intestines and yet, it will not affect the absorption of the essential protein which body needs. Therefore, those who intent to get slim will be able to consume fat protein without worry about absorbing too much of calories which is produced from fat. Hence, it helps to reduce additional fat and cholesterol and eventually achieves desired slimming effect. Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 产品的 Question & Answer 1。一盒几多钱?几多包?喝多久可以看到效果? 答:西马110/东马120,顾客一次拿两盒,同一地址,免邮费;如果只是一盒,全国统一邮费+rm10,每盒里面14包,早餐时,配以100ml的热水冲调,一般人在均衡的饮食下,30天大约能减掉4至5公斤。 2。Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 是如何让身体进行瘦身?答:Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 拥有七种天然成分,有效阻隔脂肪引堆从而减少脂肪的积存。同时能支持体内的糖分转换为能量,提高新陈代谢,并可燃烧所累积的脂肪。 3。如果有胃痛可以喝Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee吗? 答:服用我们的Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee减肥是不用节食的。如果有胃痛症状的人是不会造成胃痛恶化。吃早餐时,配以100ml的热水冲调,与早餐一起享用。 4。服食Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 期间需要节食吗? 答:正确的健康是不必挨饿,均衡的饮食才能吃出完美的体态,只要不吃宵夜就能达到效果。 5。Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee有没有没加糖的? 答:我们的Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee特点是不加糖(如:白糖、砂糖、蔗糖、葡萄糖等),而以代糖(Sugarsubsitute)代替糖分,让享用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee减肥的用户同样能品味到甜味,让您既可以享受咖啡又能“甜得很健康”。 6。Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee喝了会心跳加速和晚上会睡不着吗? 在减肥的过程中Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 提升体内新陈代谢和血液循环来加速帮助体内燃烧脂肪,心跳的加速原因是新陈代谢和血液循环加速的原故。一般我们是建议用户早上吃完早餐后饮用。 咖啡里主要含有咖啡因,它是一种较为柔和的兴奋剂可以刺激人的神经使人兴奋,而且有提神的作用.所以睡前6小时内最好别喝咖啡,会影响睡眠.咖啡利尿可治便秘。每天喝适量的咖啡可以将患心脏病的几率降低30%。咖啡里还含有单宁酸,具有收敛性及止血、防臭的作用,咖啡好处多,每天喝2—4杯咖啡还是有益的. 7。Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 适合什么人群服用? 答:适合男女想要健康保持标准体重,让自己拥有一副健美诱人的身躯者。 8。 有什么人不适合服用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee ? 答:身体状况不好的人如血压高,胆固醇,心脏病,肾脏病,癌症病患者。怀孕期间哺乳的妇女,与刚动完手术者。 9。服食 Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 会有任何副作用吗? 答:Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 是无刺激及具有天然的淀粉分解作用,基于双向糖类阻断方程式是留在人体内的脂肪堆,它不会进入血液里或影响身体器官。因此安全方面绝无问题,完全符合国际学标准的无副作用健康瘦身。我们是采用天然的成份提炼的。 10。服用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 期间需要注意哪些事顶? 答:每天需喝2000ml的温开水,有助身体把废物与毒素排出体外。(效果更佳) 11。为何开始服用瘦身产品体重很快下降,经过一段时间体重会停顿,减不下来? 答:这是身体自我调整于适应期中,减肥速度就会慢慢减缓。一般都会在一般时间的调适后,体重就可以跨过这瓶颈期,再继续往下减。停滞期是减肥必定经过的过程。 12。停止服用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 体重会反弹吗? 答:减肥体重达到标准后,必须注意饮食的均衡,避免进食高盐,高糖,高脂肪,保持勤做远动或可继续服用Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee 以作保健,保持标准的体重。 Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee Question & Answer 1. How much per box? How many sachets? How long the effect ? A: West Malaysia Rm 110, East Malaysia Rm 120. Free postage if customer purchase 2 boxes in the same address. For those just purchase 1 box, postage would be charge for Rm 10. 14 sachets per box. Take your breakfast together with drinking coffee with 100ml hot water.Most people will be able to reduce 4 to 5 kg under their balanced diet within 30 days. 2. How does the Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee work in slimming process of the body? A: The Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee contains seven natural ingredients. Those ingredients help to block the forming of fat and hence reduce the accumulation of fat. At the same time, those ingredients help to convert glucose in the body to become energy, which will enhance the metabolism process and the burning of accumulated fat. 3. Can we drink Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee if having stomach pain? A: For those who are having gastric problem, it cannot make their condition worse. 4. Should I on diet while consuming the Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee? A: If you consume our Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee, you do not require to be on diet. The correct way of healthiness is you do not have to starve for it. The balance diet will be able to get the perfect figure. As long as you do not get supper, you will be able to get the best result. 5. Is there any no added sugar? A:We use “Sugarsubstitute” to replace “sugar”. The unique feature of our Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee is we do not add sugar (i.e. white sugar, granulated sugar, sucrose, glucose etc.). We substitute them with “Sugarsubstitute), which will help you to enjoy the goodness of the Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee while having the slimming effect as well as “healthy sweetness”. 6. After drinking this coffee, would my heart rate beats faster and encounter any difficult in sleeping? A: During the slimming process, the Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee enhances the metabolism process and blood circulation in the body in order to accelerate the process of burning fat. The cause of the heart rate beats faster is due to the metabolism and acceleration of blood circulation. We would suggest you to drink the Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee after you have taken your breakfast. Coffee mainly contains caffeine. It is a softer stimulant which can stimulate the human nervous system and having refreshing effect. Therefore, it is advisable do not drink coffee within 6 hours before going to bed. Otherwise, it will affect sleeping quality. Coffee is diuretic and able to improve constipation. If we drink coffee daily, it will be able to reduce the rate of having heart attack by 30%. The coffee contains tannic acid which has the effect of convergence, stops bleeding and acts as a deodorant. There are many benefits of drinking coffee. Drinking 2-4 glasses of coffee a day is considered beneficial to us. 7. Who is suitable for the Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee? A: It is suitable for those male and female, who would like to maintain their standard body weight with a healthy and attractive body shape. 8. Who is not suitable to consume the Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee? A: Pregnant and lactating women, serious illness patients (heart attack, kidney disease, cancer patients) and those who have just gone through surgery. 9. Any side effects after consuming the Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee? A: There is no side effect for the Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee. It is formulated with 100% natural ingredients. It is non-irritating and contains natural starch decomposition effect. Base on the bi-carbohydrate blocking formula, it will stay in the body fat heap. It will not enter the bloodstream or affect any body organs. Therefore, it is a healthy slimming healthcare product which is absolutely safe, without any side effects and totally compliance with international medical standard. 10. What are the most concerned matters for consuming the Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee? A: You need to drink 2000ml lukewarm water daily, and this will help to eliminate the body waste and toxic from the body. (Better effect) 11. Why while having the slimming product at the initial stage, body weight loss quickly. However, after a while, it stops losing and body weight cannot be reduced further? A: This is body self adjusted process, so the weight losing speed would slowly decline. Generally, after a period of adjustment, the body weight will overcome this bottleneck period and further decrease. Weight loss stagnation is must duration for slimming process. 12. Any rebound effects after stop consuming? A: Once satisfied with the slimming effect. No rebound effects.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 04:22:01 +0000

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