Rebounds Jordan Schweitzer rallies for 2018 Winter Olympics: It - TopicsExpress


Rebounds Jordan Schweitzer rallies for 2018 Winter Olympics: It is a well known fact Bend has a plethora of amazing athletes chomping at the professional bit. But how lucky are we that right in our own clinics we have a bundle of bad mama jamas ready to attack major competitions all over the world! Here is the tale of one little lady ready to take on such adventures as the winter Olympics in Sochi 2018. Who is this gem of an athlete? Non other than Jordan Schweitzer, aide enthusiast at the West side clinic! Jordan began her journey as what can be best described in her own words, “I was put on my skis when I was 4 years old, with nothing but an amazing father and a bright smile. As time went on I grew to love the sport. I started alpine racing when I was 7 years old and was blessed with a gift of going fast. I had many accomplishments throughout my 13 years of alpine racing.” Due to injuries and a strong sense of adventure Jordan has turned her sites and abilities to Ski Cross. As this sport is fairly new to the ‘scene’ Jordan shared some details on what exactly goes down (the ski hill) while she competes and some super secret incite on what makes her a world class athlete: 1. What exactly is Ski Cross? Skier Cross is a freestyle type of ski racing. There are four racers that start at the same time and race to the bottom of the course. With in the course there are jumps, rollers, and crazy turns along with three other competitors next to you. It’s not a very old sport started in the 1980’s and the 2010 Vancouver games was the first year it was an Olympic event. 2. What will the biggest obstacles to overcome be as far as making it to the 2018 games? There are many different challenges to making the 2018 Olympics. The first thing that comes to mind is getting all the training and racing opportunities I need to improve in such a short time frame. Since Ski Cross is so new, the US doesn’t provide a team. In reality we are all racing independent, training independent on and off snow, and fully funding ourselves. That’s probably the reason it’s an uphill battle. There was only 1 quota spot for 1 skier cross athlete, a man or a woman for the 2014 Sochi Olympics. By the time South Korea comes around hopefully I can be a top competitor in the World Cups, because that’s the only way they will open up a spot for a women. 3. Any good luck charms, rituals or inspirational quotes that help get you to the bottom of the hill? I’ll always pray before a race, for safety for myself and the other racers. That’s really important to me, and it gives me confidence that everything will be all right, so I can be extremely aggressive and take insane risks. My favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:13 “For I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength” I have a decal on my helmet for a reminder. For me that’s reality, so I take huge risks in the course, going fast and flying off big jumps! 4. How has being in Bend and working at Rebound helped you with your training goals? Bend is an amazing place to train. I have a strong connection with Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation here because I raced with them for 6 years. They have given me so much support over the years of alpine racing, and I can train gates with them whenever I would like. Being at Rebound has been a huge blessing! I get to work with some of the most amazing people you will ever meet! I have been exposed to learning new things and different ways that will help me personally for skiing. Over the years Mandon has been amazing and helped me recover from a few knee injuries. Now Denny is helping me get more aligned and teaching me different exercises that will help with stabilization. Not only has Denny been helping me as a PT but has also been so encouraging, and inspiring to keep following my dreams. Theres no way I would be going to Europe , or world cups this year without his support full of laughs, jokes, encouragement, and great advice. These guys, a long with the rest of the clinic are extremely supportive, and have given me so much encouragement to follow my dreams. I can’t thank them enough! 5. If you were to a total rock star in any other sport what would it be? If I were to be a total rock star in some other sport I would have to choose surfing. Being able to surf all-day and camp in my VW bus would be a dream. 6. A day in the life of Jordan: This is a hard one! It totally depends, but lets just say I like to stay extremely busy and I’ll be honest a little boring. I will go to the gym around 545 am and get a Cardio and core workout in before work. Then after work I’ll head back to the gym for a lifting workout, or do something active outside. I also have another job at Dutch Brothers, so on some days I’ll start work there at 4:30 until closing. I like to work hard, but don’t get me wrong; I obviously like to play even harder, especially once ski season comes around. I’m excited to work hard now, because I’m going to Europe for a pre season training session; then home for my first World Cup in December! Well there you have it folks; I think it is safe to say we will have our cow bells ready and eyes on Squaw Valley come December to cheer on Jordan and her Olympic dreams. For more info on Jordan check out her site at https://rallyme/rallies/964/jordanschweitzer-skicross. MBSEF ALPINE SKI TEAM Winter Olympics Ski cross Squaw Valley
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 21:49:15 +0000

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