Recall Sanchez and Varoz In light of tomorrows board meeting I - TopicsExpress


Recall Sanchez and Varoz In light of tomorrows board meeting I wanted to pass on a letter I emailed Mr. Sanchez and Mr. Varoz on Sept. 17th, 2014: Mr. Sanchez and Mr. Varoz My name is Jessica Stevens and I am hoping you are now aware that I teach 3rd grade mathematics and writing. I have attended, I believe, 9 regularly scheduled board meetings and one or two specially scheduled meetings in the last year. I am disgusted by your attacks on the district and your general contempt for all the hard work students, teachers, staff, and administration put into each and every day on behalf of Center Schools’ students. I feel you represent a small percentage of staff and community members and rather than criticize you for that, I am instead going to encourage you to educate yourself on the feelings of ALL community members, not just the ones who call you with their concerns, or the ones within your personal circles. I am also going to encourage you to TALK to staff members and teachers, because they have valuable input into the many valid and invalid concerns you have. When I started in Center over 4 years ago my most students did not have much value in their education, and many parents only cared if their students were going to “pass” and if their handwriting was nice. Now students take pride in their growth and are enthusiastically setting goals, which reach beyond their grade level. Parents, thanks to hard working teachers and administration, are becoming educated in their student’s data as well and understanding there is more important things than if their students “pass”. I have students who do not speak English. When I say they do not speak English, for these students, I mean we began by teaching them, “May I use the restroom?” When you say growth does not matter you are telling these students they must learn a language that the “traditional” students have been practicing since birth, in 9 months. That would be what it would take to get these students to “achieve” at a national norm level. That being said, we as a district are fully invested in our core values which state, “our purpose is to increase academic achievement for ALL students.” We will do everything we can to get a student’s achievement to above and beyond the state norm, but is it really fair to say these students must do this in only one year? As someone who has been blessed with many students of exceptional intelligence, I take offense in the comments about growth, because if I were a parent with an exceptional student would I want my student’s teacher to settle on the fact that he or she is at “grade level”, or would I want that student to strive for “growth” for that student. It’s not all about growth. It’s not all about achievement. It is ALL about students. You often bring up community concerns with the district. What about community support of the district? I recently had a parent come to my door. I had her two boys in my class and through teaching 2nd and 3rd grade I had her boys for a total of 4 years combined. She came to my door in tears. She has been transporting her boys from another town, and it has just become too much of a hardship for the family. Did I mention her boys are no longer in my class? The impact I had, the impact this school district had, were so important to her she stopped by and thanked me. In the last couple of years I have had many parents come to my door and say that they were dissatisfied with another school and heard Center was doing things differently. These parents are happier, and their students are growing. I would be dishonest if I said I have never heard from a dissatisfied parent, but I take each dissatisfied parent as an opportunity for growth as a professional. With this growth mindset I can say the vast majority of my parents seem satisfied with their overall experience in Center Schools. Even some parents who have become frustrated with the numerous changes and sadly moved their students to another district have then brought their children back when they realize the changes we are trying to transition to are for the students. One of the reasons I chose to work in Center was because the school was the center of the community. I consider it a blessing to get to be a part of these children’s lives each and every day. In my first couple of years teaching at Center, I cannot tell you how many times I heard community members and teachers from around the valley say “I’m sorry”. This sentiment has never set well with me because I take pride in working in Center. I am not ashamed. Until recently it was my dream that someday I would bring my own children to this district. I believe in it with all my heart. Believe me when I say that does not mean I always agree with how the district does things, but I have always been encouraged to share my opinions and in the end I support the district and can professionally “agree to disagree”. I encourage you to try this. Instead of spewing lies in letters to the “community of Center” try engaging with the community of Center. They are great people. They are the reason I consider Center “my community”. I may live in elsewhere, but I spend a great deal of time in Center, and it is truly where my heart is. I am not sure everyone on our board can even say that. On a final note, I struggle with your personal attacks on Mr. Welsh. It has been said Mr. Welsh is never here, yet he is controlling. He is a talented man, but controlling and never here? He is always here. Sometimes he is not physically here, but he is always aware of the happenings of the district and just a phone call, email, or text away. Do you feel you allow him more time or less time to focus on district matters when you are consistently blindsiding him with issues that could be dealt with when they first become an issue? Mr. Welsh and the rest of the administration has changed the mentality of staff members from “this job will do” to “this is my job!”. Mr. Welsh develops leaders. He works to impact education beyond Center’s door step—all while fulfilling the duties to Center Schools. Throughout the All Valley PLC’s I have had numerous teachers say, “Wow, you work really hard in Center!,” but when I talk about how valued we feel and the support we receive, they are envious that THEY do not work in Center. The irony is, with the skills we have gained, we could take our skills anywhere. Teachers feel supported. Teachers feel as though they can approach their administration. This is a rarity, and it only happens because of Mr. Welsh, and the rest of the administration team. I have had Commissioners of Education, state politicians, professors, CDE staff, and many other visitors in my classroom. This only happens because they want to see what we do that is so great, and what we do is so great because Mr. Welsh is a tireless advocate for the students and community of Center. Jessica Stevens
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 03:30:38 +0000

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