Recd today from senate conservative group...this is for friends or - TopicsExpress


Recd today from senate conservative group...this is for friends or friends of friends in KENTUCKY! Fellow Conservatives: U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the Republican Leader, has a liberal record and he refuses to fight for our principles. Its time to replace him with a true conservative. We have done everything possible to encourage him to stand up for our values, but he wont listen. Mitch McConnell has cut deals with the Democrats to increase the debt limit, raise taxes, and fund Obamacare. He has also supported earmarks, bailouts, and amnesty for illegal immigrants. After nearly 30 years in Washington, its time for a change. MATT BEVIN FOR U.S. SENATE We recently asked for your feedback on the Kentucky Senate race and the results were overwhelming. Over 90% of you said we should support Louisville businessman Matt Bevin (R-KY) over Mitch McConnell in the Republican primary. We heard you and were now supporting Matt Bevin. Matt Bevin is a constitutional conservative who will fight to stop the massive spending, bailouts, and debt that are destroying our country. He isnt afraid to stand up to the Washington establishment and he will do what it takes to stop Obamacare, cut spending, and get the government off our backs. TAKE ACTION: Support Matt Bevin for U.S. Senate Matt Bevin supports our conservative policy goals. He is pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-2nd Amendment. He opposes earmarks, bailouts, and amnesty, and he believes the IRS should be abolished and replaced with a simple system that encourages savings and growth. We have interviewed a lot of candidates this year and Matt Bevin is one of the very best. Hes principled, passionate, and has Ted Cruz-like courage. And Matt Bevin isnt just the most principled candidate in this race; hes also the most electable. Mitch McConnell is unpopular with independent voters and is already polling behind the Democratic candidate. If McConnell is the Republican nominee, he could cost the party the seat and even the majority.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 23:46:33 +0000

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