Received via snail mail today. (21 07 14) Words without deeds - TopicsExpress


Received via snail mail today. (21 07 14) Words without deeds are a garden full of weeds! Let Campbell Newman and his government be judged not only by what they have said and done, but by what they thought was perfectly reasonable to do. In collusion with his federal cohorts, Newman has committed Queenslanders to paying for even more roads that nobody really want or need. Affordable, appropriately located housing and living wage jobs have never been a Newman or LNP consideration. Their anti-community agenda is spelt out in the legislation they enacted giving police immunity from prosecution and other denials of civil society’s rights. Newman’s contempt for the justice that every Australian cherishes is evident in those aspects of VLAD which make “bikies” or persons deemed by police to be “members of criminal organisations” are- and are the only persons in Australia- to be presumed to be guilty until they can prove their innocence. On the biker laws, there has been no known VLAD segregation at BCC, Gatton, Woodford or Gorrie since at least April. All were gone from BMU at Gorrie by the time I left in March. And that was the only remand biker unit in Southern QLD. Newman Govt released figures today (22 07 14) fudging public dissent/support, based on questions asked not by the public, but by Newman supporting media. The issues remain: a) Removal of Presumption of innocence, and transfer of onus of proof. If arrested under VLAD defence must prove innocence, not prosecution prove guilt. b) Preconviction seizure of assets. Arguable that this prevents the innocent framed by police from affording a more reasonable defence. c) Freedom to associate. Identified by Govt as a major public concern. d) Sentences out of proportion for bikers to others. Some discussion that if anyone should have extra penalties, it should be police, politicians and public servants. e) Organisations can arbitrarily be declared criminal and illegal without any legal opportunity to rebut. f) All laws should apply equally to all people.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 11:32:12 +0000

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