Recent debate in Canock Chroncle on the past and future of Pye - TopicsExpress


Recent debate in Canock Chroncle on the past and future of Pye Green Valley Letters Page : Former Councillor for Hednesford South 21.10 13: Dear Sir Re Pye Green Valley- “Worries Green Space Lost to Housing” There is a significant element of hypocrisy in the Crocodile tears that Councillor Adamson is now shedding over the intended development on Pye Green Valley. Just who is his trying to fool? He is the leader of a Labour Group of Councillors who quite recently, hand in glove with the Liberal Democrats and Conservative Councillors, passed the planning application to finally desecrate the Valley Desecration it is, in that the area, designated for development, is possibly the last remaining Skylark habitat in the district and has been for time immemorial We have lost some 80% of these beautiful birds over recent decades This is however par for the course for Labour Councillors in that successive waves of councillors since 1979 have simply ratified plans for the now seemingly inevitable, development on the Valley whilst rejecting three major petitions by local residents out of hand ,all of whom objected unanimously against such development What price then local democracy? One cannot leave out the role of planning officers here either, who represent an insular, self-serving and self-justifying culture, totally insulated against the broader concept of environmental concerns. It has to be said that equally culpable in this perfidy are those Conservative and Liberal Democrat Councillors in their previous coalition that granted development rights to the County Council from which our Cannock Chase District Council will now receive some £3 million. It is clearly all about the money! We are in the hands of Philistines or as Sir David Attenborough most recently put it “Man is a plague” Yours Sincerely ~ John Burnett
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 10:06:36 +0000

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