Recent polls reveal high-level dissatisfaction and discouragement - TopicsExpress


Recent polls reveal high-level dissatisfaction and discouragement among those in the ministry: • 1,700 ministers leave ministry every month, an annual exodus of more than 20,000 • 50 percent of ministers quit within five years of starting • 90 percent of those in the ministry say actual ministry is far different from what they thought it would be • 50 percent feel so discouraged they would leave ministry if they could, but have no other way of making a living. Yet, there is an antidote that can empower pastors to thrive (rather than merely survive) the ministry. The antidote is encouragement. The Bible teaches: “And now, friends, we ask you to honor those leaders who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding you. . . . Overwhelm them with appreciation and love!” (1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13, The Message). Am grateful to my entire team at Heaven Centre Cathedral! You people have made my call easy! You have prayed for me, supported me, listened to me, encouraged, understood, and even respectfully corrected me when am making a mistake! For the 4 sure years of our ministry, you have been greatly used of the Lord! Together with you am sure we are able to fulfill the call, vision and mission (The Ministry-Call: “Trumpet for Heaven! Preach the Gospel at all Cost!” The Ministry-Vision: “An Apostolic Glorious Church Seeking after the Heart of God unto Eternal Life!” The Ministry-Mission: “Redeeming Souls, Restoring Lives and Reviving Nations through the ministry of the Holy Spirit!”) A great thanks to Mr. Mubuuke Jackson & Mr. Kibuuka Herman (our administrators), Mrs. Racheal Birungi Kibuuka (our general-accountant), Mr. Mugisha Solomon (our General coordinator), Mr. Joshua Mugaya (our Prayer Secretary), Mr. Kawalya Isaac & Mr. Nyanzi Rodgers (my personal assistants), Mr. Mugenyi Jonah & Ms. Nafula Susan (our chief ushers), Ms. Julie Kitibwa & Ms. Rebecca Kemigisa ( Music & Dance Directors), Mr. Peter Lujja & Ms. Nalubega Ritah (our Data-Tech Directors), Mr. Mugarula (evangelism), Ms. Juliana Sarah(Welcoming Director), Naluwende Naume,...the elders, the administration, .....and the entire of your respective teams! Thank you! Thank you for your loyalty, faithfulness and accountability in our ministry! Thanks to the partners and friends even those abroad (BBadruu KKaterrega)..I appreciate you! May the Glory of God manifest in your lives! Lastly a great thanks to those men and women used of the Lord to sharpen (as we share), mentor (by learning from them) and pastoring me (raising me up)....first, papa Pr. Ben Ochora, Pr. Paul Muyomba, Pr. Ben Kibumba, Ap. Wilsdombooks Wilson W. Muwanguzi(a great real-friend in ministry), Pr. Brian Damba, Pr. Kajjubi Raphael, Apostle Mwanja Caleb(my long time brother minister), Pr. Henry Musana(a great teacher), Pr. Fred Kimbagaya, Pr. Eneru Peter, Rev. Nsubuga Henry, Ap. AndRew AsiiMwe, Ap. Emma Newton...the list is big! With you and from you, I keep learning, get more inspired and empowered in serving the Lord! Thank you!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:13:55 +0000

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