Recently I heard the Lord say“God’s hand reaches out through - TopicsExpress


Recently I heard the Lord say“God’s hand reaches out through all eternity taking a seed of Himself and places it within the womb of woman where new life begins and conception takes place.There’san overshadowing of the Holy Spirit taking place right now inthe body of believers. There’s been a sifting in the church and shifting in the Spirit for several years now and it’s finally come to culmination.”Normally the church is referred to as being feminine. However in this passage “the womb of woman” represents the body of Christ. The sanctified imagination is our spiritual womb. It’s the place where we conceive and the seed of belief is sown into our womb. It’s only what you hopefor that your faith will produce.I’m comparing this revelation with Mary’s visitation with the angel in Luke Chapter One. The Archangel Gabriel came toMary saying,“Behold, you willconceive in your womband bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.” (Luke 1:31)The true body of believers hasbeen like the young Virgin Mary whose response was that she knew no man. (Vs. 34)These believers resisted the dictates of man, the lust of theworld and died to self-gratification.For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. (1 John 2:16)The OvershadowingAnd the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and thepower of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. (Luke 1:35)I feel this is where the church has been. She embraced many things she was never entitled to. Instead of the Spirit of Truth, she chose to follow the dictates of men’s heart. And therefore the enemy lorded over her and in pain she brought forth children but without a fear of God and not much form of holiness. But now her desire will be for her husband the Lord. And He shall rule over her because the body of Christhas yielded her will to His.Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord!Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her. (Luke 1:38)Mary mixed the WORD with her FAITH and connected with the anointing. This is where the true body of believers is today. The Holy Spirit of Truth is overshadowing them and conception is taking place. Thebirthing is going to be glorious. These babies will be more mature than we were at our spiritual birth because everything has accelerated. That which took ten to fifteen years to understand, they will get it in a very short time. The overshadowing of the Holy Spirit will be that of Isaiah 11 and the church will be delivered from the religious spirit.The Spirit of the Lord shall restupon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,?the Spirit of counsel and might,?the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.3His delight is in the fear of the Lord, and He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes,?nor decide by the hearing of His ears; (Isaiah 11:2-3)We must not grow weary!Recently I saw the new birth-taking place at the time of Rosh Hashanah. In this dream,Bob, a young pregnant couple and myself arrived at the Emergency Room parking lot. To my surprise, church leadership met us there and entered the hospital with us. They took a seat in the waitingroom awaiting this baby’s birth. I asked Bob why leadership was present for thebirth of this baby? He said,“This will be the first baby of the New Year born in the church and leadership doesn’twant to miss it!”The young woman experienced a sudden sharp pain; immediately the couple was taken to delivery. Bob and I walked into the waiting room only to find that leadership had fallen asleep while waiting. End of dream.I believe this baby is coming quicker than we think. The timing is significant. Jewish New Year or Rosh Hashanah isSeptember 25th. Although at times we’ve all felt weary we must not fall asleep. The delivery is right at hand. Leadership as well as the bodyhas labored long and hard for this birthing so its time to perkup and stay on guard. We haven’t run ahead of the Holy Spirit and now we can’t lag behind. We’re right on target.From what I’ve seen, this babyis going to be powerful. Conceived in love and truth she will possess power and might. She will preach, pray and prophesy. She has been anointed from within the womb and will be a holy terror. She will possess the fear and awe of God and not fear man or the devil. Oga Bob Jones word for September!!!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:53:35 +0000

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