Recently I made the bold claim that I uphold the believe that all - TopicsExpress


Recently I made the bold claim that I uphold the believe that all the worlds problems are caused by morons. Normally this is a very easy position to defend because everyone knows morons create problems. But if a problem is so huge that it affects the entire human race can it really always traced back to a moron? So I present to you a set of simple observations that create a near de facto argument for this belief: Morons (and this is not a derogatory label, this is my best attempt to use appropriate terminology for a person who actively avoids most actions that would lead to improving his cognitive functions) naturally hate determining a persons value in terms of their ability to contribute to the human race. You do not necessarily need a high IQ in order to avoid being a moron. To be a moron you simply have to strongly believe that books are fake or brag about how you have avoided any sort of learning since you barely passed high school. Things of that nature are strong indicators that a persons genes are unfit to be passed down. So for the sake of clarification probably most pop artists. Observation one: morons actively seek to define self worth in a way that negatively impacts society. A lot of times, a moron will end up in political office. Their need to define self worth in any way that fails to contribute to the human race makes this an obvious career choice. Observation two: there is no IQ test required to run for office, but strong suspicion surrounds the correlation of this fact and the number of morons in office. Now, when a problem affects the whole human race it is usually pretty severe. We are talking about genocide. Interestingly, most genocide seems to be related to the systematic destruction of a race or people based on a very negative evaluation of that groups worth. And a lot of times this resentment comes from an ignorant persons assessment of what a person worth to the world is. Im serious, genocide is not committed by people with healthy evaluations of contributing to society. In fact it is largely the opposite. Christians murdered the Qeen of Alexandria and burnt down the worlds largest library and it was not because they were well educated. It was because they feared having their self worth measured against those that were. Observation three: Morons support genocide. The worst part is that we simply cant kill all the morons. That would be genocide. It is actually up to us to convince them that learning new things is in fact cool, and that why yes, smart people are better than them.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 04:11:25 +0000

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