Recently, I saw a story one of the crime television networks about - TopicsExpress


Recently, I saw a story one of the crime television networks about a man that had spent more than 25 years in prison for a crime that he didn’t commit. Once again, it has happened. For the past couple of days, there has been a news story about a man that spent 10 years behind bars, for something that he didn’t do, either. These are just two stories, about two men, about a subject that happens probably more than we realize. It is certainly a miscarriage of justice. Yes, there are flaws in our judicial system, it truly is not perfect. When we hear of these things, we become angry, saddened, confused about how this could happen. However, before we get too carried away about how unfair this is, to those concerned, let’s not forget about another man who was unfairly judged. Of course I’m talking about our Savior, Jesus Christ! We often times hear of a district attorney who will promise immunity to a person who is willing to testify about someone arrested and charged with committing a crime, in order to win a conviction. It just seems as though the person who is testifying will say nearly anything, to escape their own prosecution by giving “false testimony.” By giving these statements, it pretty well solidifies the conviction. In Christ’s situation, the chief priests couldn’t even find one, to give false testimony against Christ! That’s right, not a single liar could be found! “Now the chief priests and the whole Council kept trying to obtain false testimony against Jesus, so that they might put Him to death. They did not find ANY, even though many false witnesses came forward. But later on two came forward, and said, This man stated, I am able to destroy the temple of God and to rebuild it in three days.” (Matt.26: 59-61) Although they tried to make Jesus out to be blasphemer, they could not. Not only did they convict Him of something that He did not do, they killed Him! He did not have to luxury of DNA testing, and they were so adamant about putting Him to death, it would have done no good anyway. And, they were not willing to simply imprison Him, they wanted Him dead! No death row, no court appeals, no wrongful conviction re-trial. They tried Him and immediately sent Him to the cross. Yet, how many think about this travesty of justice, and replies, “Oh, that’s so sad!” In fact, how many actually cares about what happened to the greatest figure in the worlds history? I know a few that cares!!! Thank you God, for sending your Son to die for me!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 11:15:53 +0000

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