Recently I was invited to a party were most of the ladies were in - TopicsExpress


Recently I was invited to a party were most of the ladies were in palm reading ,it was a fun group and for me quite a new thing as I had not been exposed to such believes before , may be due to superstitious nature or just fun “ ladies were quite excited to get the hand reading and when all was done and settled the shift of conversation somehow changed to numerology as some of the ladies were quite in tuned with the spirituality and enlightenment ,the topic became quite intense and everybody was talking about the numbers and their influence on our lives, I was intrigued by the vastness of the subject and came home to do little bit of my own research. As I was reading about the numbers, one that that caught my attention was “The Number Seven” though each number has its unique value and meaning in absolute terms... in very early days Number twelve had great significance but it was Greeks who realized and presented the value of number early Greek mythology number seven was considered to be an number with mystic properties the great philosopher Philolaus added respect and sacredness to the number seven ,he confirmed the doctrines of Pythagoras concerning God and nature ,we also see in Greek philosophy where there is talk about “The Seven Sages (of Greece) or Seven Wise Men “ now this was the highest honor given to the learned ,philosophers and law giver men of 6th and 7th century , each of the Sage represents a philosophy and doctrines that was given to the society of the time and people abided by laws and teachings coming from those wise men..As we look deeply in numbers we see the relationship between numbers and deities and spiritual figures. Pythagoras was able to establish the connection between the geometrical solids and god as a result of images seen by the Sage in Egyptian temples, Pythagoras gave symbols and names to the numbers, number Seven was called Minerva his disciples or students stated arithmetic to be the mother of the mathematical sciences. This is proved by the fact that geometry, music, and astronomy are dependent upon mathematical calculation and equations. Pythagoras has divided the numbers in two groups, even and odd, male and female, good and bad … Many philosophers and people who had studied the symbols do not understand the reason why Pythagoras gave names /symbols to numbers but they do agree that Pythagoras had valid intuition to justify giving the names ,as it was prevalent at that time ,it was the occult society and very few were entitled to attend the scared meetings, not all the information or knowledge was transferred and it’s still an ongoing study and research to find true values of numbers .Another great Greek philosopher Plato quoted “Numbers are the highest degree of knowledge, it is knowledge itself” Not only in ancient Greek but all the major religions has an emphasis on numerology and especially on number Seven. Bible mentions about “Seven deadly sins “, Sloth, Lust, Anger, Pride, Envy, In Gluttony, and Greed. There are seven pointed stars that give out seven forces that represent seven principles of human existence. In addition in ancient Egyptian or Africans spiritual belief system they have seven Stages/Ages of Man in the completion of his life cycle. From Infancy to Senility. And every human being has seven senses; The magic of number seven continues as there are seven visible moving celestial objects: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Moon, and Sun …Seven is the number of the natural world , There are seven days in a week, seven scales in music, and we have 7 directions (left, right, up, down, forward, back and center Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual). It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God’s creation of universe and beyond...Sacred no 7 works with energy and vibration of humans... The rainbow with its seven colors reflects the beauty and divinity. Seven commandments of Seven seas is an ancient term describing all the seas and oceans of the world. Many people believe the seven seas referred to are the Arctic, Antarctic, North and South Pacific, North and South Atlantic, and Indian oceans. For many people Number Seven is a lucky number and for some gamblers at certain card playing tables the very mention of number seven is a bad omen ….This number definitely has opened new doors of knowledge, perhaps seven sides of wisdom and now I can marvel on the seven unknown aspects of life….
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:49:37 +0000

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