Recently I was invited to join in a protest against a Black Mass - TopicsExpress


Recently I was invited to join in a protest against a Black Mass being held on public property in Tulsa, OK. The protest calls for officials to bar the Satanists hosting this mass from doing so. Naturally, we Christians do not want to see evil being promoted in this kind of way whether or not we believe Satan exists (since not all Christians necessarily believe in him). However, I would challenge my fellow Christians to reconsider what they believe Satans true intention is here. Assuming that Satan is vastly older than all of us - perhaps the universe itself - dont you think hed be smarter than to spread his evil in the most indiscreet way possible? That would hardly work at all since the world knows who and what he is. If I was certain that Satan exists, Id believe that he has a different motivation. Id believe that he is using the Black Mass to tempt us Christians into doing exactly what this protest calls for: shutting it down. Think about it. In this country, we cherish the freedom to practice our beliefs in both the church and in government. That freedom was upheld in the recent Supreme Court decision in Town of Greece v. Galloway. But what if we were to contradict our love of that freedom by denying it for others? By calling on the government to silence them because we dont like what they say? We already have many atheist groups in this country calling for the removal of anything religious from the public domain. If the protest succeeded in its goal, the floodgates would be opened for the government to deny religious practice in government or public areas not just for the Satanists, but for all religions including Christianity. In the near future, they could bar anybody from it for the sake of public safety. Thus God would be thrown further out of the picture in our society. That I believe is what Satan really seeks to achieve. And that is why I decline joining my fellow Christians in calling for this Black Mass to be shut down. What I believe should be done instead is for us to let the Black Mass go forth but also to display our belief in God and the good that he provides by going to church and demonstrating against Satanic practice on our own public grounds.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:58:24 +0000

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