Recently, I’ve been crossed 6 counties in east Europe for nearly - TopicsExpress


Recently, I’ve been crossed 6 counties in east Europe for nearly 20 days by myself, it is not long time compare to those people who is doing backpack for 3 months or more, but it has been fun, exciting, interesting, laughing, tiring 20 days… thus far. It would hard for it not to be, considering some of the changes I’ve made in my demeanor, my attitude, my behavior, my beliefs, my philosophy on life. I’m sure at some point after returning to a more ordinary lifestyle, But for now, this trip is nothing but the best thing of my life. Munich Germany, Munich is a major international center of business, headquarters of several multinational companies and world class technology. Here, almost everyone drives BMW or Benz, almost everyone speaks English. The traffic was so convenient, I have no problem at all, I just had city map travelled whole city by tube, bus, and tram everything by myself, but I think I probably asked a thousand people of the way how to get back to my hostel…. Here I met a French girl Kathy we lived in the same hostel, thank you for your accompany, we had wonderful proper German dinner together, also met few funny and handsome German guys, although I forgot their names already, but they are cool guys… Vienna Austria, regarded as the City of Music because of its musical legacy. The whole city is beautiful, but to me a bit layback city, people seemed go to work at 10, after 5 o’clock, the whole street left empty, but the night of Vienna was brilliantly illuminated throughout the light. Bratislava Slovakia, Bratislava has a very pleasant medieval inner city with narrow, winding streets, a hill-top castle next to the river Danube, and many historic churches and buildings to visit. It was unexpected trip, once I was in Vienna, I realized how close they are, plus my lovely lenka is from there, so I decide to go. It was a bit difficult to find my way there, cause not many people speak English, not to blame on them, I should learn some Slovakian to go to their country, but lucky enough I met some nice Slovakia boys to help me get my way back to Vienna. Budapest Hungry, there are so many to say about Budapest, beautiful city, friendly people, delicious food. Amount all those Europe countries I have been to, to me “Rome is really magnificent, Geneva is pure beauty, Paris is more elegant, Venice is full of romance, Madrid city is relax, Copenhagen is like fairy tales book. London is more impressive, Prague might be prettier, but nothing I have seen here marches the view of Budapest from the citadel- Gellert hill… standing in front of Danube river… the feeling is wonderful… Krakow Poland Krakow is one of the oldest cities in Poland, Polands stunning second city, is a captivating place both to travel to and live in. it has lots historical. I was heading to Wawel Castle right in the morning, from there walked all the way long to the centre Market Square to listen to the famous hejnal bugle call and feed the hero pigeons, also I joined the tour to the Auschwitz camp, it really gave me a lesson….. Prague Czech republic, it is my last stop of this time of my travelling, I was kind of relaxed, did lots shopping on the first day of arrival, second day I walked from Prague Castle on one side of the city centre to Wenceslas Square on the other,walking down through the Lesser Town, across Charles Bridge and through the Old Town, it is absolutely pure pretty city, plus with very nice food, what is that called “Svickova na smetane” In between the counties I have been to few towns Neuhausen-Nymphenburg, Kehlsteinhaus, Salzburg, Zakopane and Korna hara,. They all had the best of nature scenery. Little did I know that it would be all those people, not just the places, who’ve inspired me, motivated me, pushed me past my limits and also grounded me. I have lived in the hostel all the way through, lived in a room with 14 people, lived in dormitory with boys, all these I have never done before. But I am glad that I’ve been lucky to meet so many nice people, interesting people more than I probably ever have. Each person and each experience has taught me something new about myself, or made me realize something new, something different, some more things out there for me to explore. Just sorted my photos, I took almost 2000 pictures, thank you for all those people who I don’t even know their name to take photos for me. Especially for all these few person, Ada, she is the who I have met in Vienna, I asked her to take photo for me, and then we had chat, from the conversation I know she is going to Hungary next stop, so do I, but on a different date. When I arrived Budapest hostel, I saw her sat in the hallway, what a small world, Thank you ada took so many nice photos for me, had great day in Budapest with you. My little sister, hope to see you in London soon. Second two Girls, Reshma Garara Danniell Jemmott, great spa with you guys, gave a break for my tiring trip. Have fun of rest of you girls trip, may see you around in DjAkim London. Third person, Dennis schleppi, the trip to Poland, our plane was delayed cause the fogging in Warsaw airport that we can not land. We have to land another airport, by the time we landed to other airport, we been told to fly back, I was so mad, because these 4 hours delay ruined my plan in Poland, I was so angry on the plan, the most announcing me is not any airhostess seemed to help. But only a cool German guy calmed me down, it was really short time to meet you, but it was great chat. Thank you. Fourth person Eirini Stavroulaki and your boyfriend, thank you so much to drive me back from salt mines, I am much appreciate. Otherwise I will have to walk in the dark of nowhere. Also i had fun time with you in the mines…... Sorry I can’t make the coffee next day cause the trip that I have to leave early. hope to see you and your boyfriend in Greece or England one day. The last whole group of cool guys: Samuel Rogers Shan Ooi and all your families. It was amazing time with you guys in Kotna hara and ice bar, I am so glad that I met all of you. It was fantastic day and night. Wish you had great time of rest of your trip, and have a good journey back to Australia. This is only small amount of people that I met in this trip, for the rest of people who I met, appreciated all your accompany to make my trip wonderful! So , Life is filled with strangers who shape our lives, both good and bad. All the people you meet leave a piece of themselves with you. And often you don’t realize it until much later on. You don’t really think about it until some melancholy, reflective night in the future when you sit down to write a post like this. Though I’ve seen many amazing places in my travels, they are largely irrelevant. It’s the people I’ve encountered who have made my life better. They are what I think the most about. And without meeting people like these on the road, I probably wouldn’t have such fun journey. For some people, wish we will see each other again somewhere in the world… thank you all….
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 01:07:59 +0000

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