"Recently I’ve moved back to Washington, D.C. and have begun the - TopicsExpress


"Recently I’ve moved back to Washington, D.C. and have begun the process of finding a permanent place to live. It’s exhausting. But I tried to make it less so by picking a bunch of places all in the same neighborhood that I could easily walk to and from them. Unfortunately, by choosing to walk around, freely, in public as we are all wont to do, I had to deal with every sort of commentary that a woman can get on her body from strangers. I don’t know what it is about the sight of a woman walking alone that causes this response out of certain men. And I say certain, because the vast majority of men, particularly black men, I came across as I walked all over Washington, D.C.’s Capitol Hill neighborhood either A) saw me and said nothing, B) saw me and nodded hello or C) saw me and said “Hello” and kept on stepping. These were all preferred responses for me since we were all busy, going places and had things to do. By beef is with the five black men who at various times throughout the day felt that “hello” and “keep on stepping” would not suffice. No. I was something that needed to be commented on. They needed me to know that they saw me and they either liked what they saw or just felt like shouting random things. Here were the following men I encountered....."
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:06:51 +0000

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