Recently Khairy Jamaluddin was quoted in the local newspaper as - TopicsExpress


Recently Khairy Jamaluddin was quoted in the local newspaper as saying calls for boycotting Israel are irrational. That it is not easy to determine which product is from Israel and that boycotting certain companies will only hurt local interests. Well KJ, Boycott Israel is more than just economics. Its a campaign of isolation, of telling the Israeli government that it is a rogue state not welcome anywhere until it recognizes the Palestinians right to self determination and fully complies with international laws. It is about creating awareness and reminding ourselves of the long & brutal oppression of the Palestinians, and as consumers we have a choice. Each time we see Nestle, McD, Loreal or Coke, we will remember the Palestinians. It is about pressuring businesses to cease their relationships with a government that violates the rights of an entire people with impunity. BDS Israel is now a global movement as civil societies across the world call for people to stop this bully through peaceful, non violent means. Are we strong enough to be effective? Well, Boycott South Africa started in the 1950s and was the idea of a small group of activists. It took decades but eventually almost the entire world stood united and brought an end to South Africa’s racist government. In unity lies our strength. Do not make the mistake of doing nothing just because we think we can only do little. Just do what we can. Boycott Israel
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:36:01 +0000

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