Recently Traff put an interesting question to me: What would a - TopicsExpress


Recently Traff put an interesting question to me: What would a £300 - £1000 Pearls & Swine creation look like? I didnt have an answer but it has planted a seed in my head and it will blossom at some point. Something i have noticed in business is price isnt really the deciding factor in selling (which is why people are happy to buy mass produced tat with a designer label attached!). When i started out i was selling my work for £15-25, i was VERY poor and couldnt afford materials. I am still poor but i can afford materials and to pay my bills now as i dont undersell my work. When i create now i TRY to allow myself more freedom, to ignore the fear of the end cost. It means the standard of my work can go up and the wow factor (sorry, i hope that isnt immodest) and i plan to keep raising it (sadly the end cost will go up as the more time/materials = more expensive) but it helps to draw attention to what i do. I still make things that are affordable like my £10 special offers. So i am hopefully not alienating my customers. As small creatives i think we need to take risks on ourselves but also trust our customers to support us. I thinking having a wide range of price is good, so i recommend trying to make the most AMAZING thing you can while making more affordable items, put a fair price on the most amazing thing. It gives value to the more affordable but also shows you and your customers what you are capable of! It might take ages to sell, that is ok... it will sell when the right person comes along :) Have faith!!! I am not saying up your prices, i am saying push yourself, dont be safe all the time, let yourself be the best creative you can be... you never know what might happen if you do! :D x
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 09:03:47 +0000

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