Recently, a lot of people have being questioning my relationship - TopicsExpress


Recently, a lot of people have being questioning my relationship status. My Facebook page says… “Single”. My Facebook page doesn’t lie. That’s really what it is. These days, a number of friends asked me why that was so. At first it didn’t bother me, but when more than a few people brought it up, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking too. One of them even said, “I’ve been really wondering why you don’t have a boyfriend.” Oh goodness, I wanted to ask her, “Do I really have to have one?” Hmm, thinking about it, it would really be nice to be in a relationship, but hey, I’m not in a rush or anything. I may be 21 already, but I still have a really long way to go. It’s either I really feel like I don’t need to be in a relationship or I’m just a pretty good liar. Haha. Naturally, there are times when I feel like snuggling up with someone special, but then again, I try not to think about it. I guess I’ve been trying to ignore those thoughts because I don’t want to WANT it. I want it to be something that just happens, without me looking for it or chasing it. Honestly, I’ve been trying to ignore any “wanting” feeling, if you know what I mean. It’s probably because I partially lost hope in myself. LOL. I AM KIDDING, but seriously speaking, I’ve been really trying to avoid any of those feelings. It’s not that I don’t want it to happen, it’s just that I’m tired of really searching for someone. I’ve failed numerous times. Come on, give me a break. It would be nice if, for once, the other person would be the one looking for me. Haha. I think it would be a much better feeling. You know, knowing that someone has enough guts to search for you. I mean, with me, things won’t really be a tiresome chase. I’m not the type of person who likes making people run after me. I’m quite frank about things, and with serious stuff, I’m quite brief. I immediately tell the person if it’s a yes or a no. Anyway, I guess any guy would have some sort of premonition regarding my feelings for them. For example, if the person regularly asks me out and I say no. Then, it’s a no. Seriously. Sometimes, I even tell them that I’m too lazy to go out with them. HAHA. I’m not evil, I’m just honest. With a guy that I find interesting, well, it’s gonna be a giveaway to say that I would be spending a lot of time talking to them or hanging out with them. I don’t really hang out with people I don’t like (Yes, friends and acquaintances included). Seriously, I’m not mean. In fact, I’m really easy to talk to. Anyway, I’ve also been thinking about the things that I like in a person. Hmm, I’m not really very particular with outward appearances, but I do have preferences. I prefer athletic guys. I do love some sports. In fact, there are some days when I find myself obsessing over any game thats on. Ha, this is kinda my secret but I really have a thing for forearms that look strong. (I don’t like wimpy, oversensitive guys.) Ah, damn, that’s my weak spot. Probably, it’s because I like someone who likes hugs. I mean, who wants to be hugged by arms that might break anytime? Lol. (This post is getting weird.) Hmm, I don’t mind if the person has braces or not. That’s not an issue. Height is definitely an issue I mean Im so tall as yall know. Glasses? I like it. Abs or flabs? Something in between. As for the personality side, I like someone who has a great sense of humor, someone who is childlike, but mature at the same time. Now, don’t get me wrong. I said childlike and not childish. Those are two different things. Childlike is cute, childish is not. He should also be quick-witted. That’ll be fantastic. Haha! Oh btw, I loathe oversensitive and overdramatic guys. Seriously. I don’t want them to create drama every time. I want things to be as cool as possible. I want a guy who knows how to chill. Also, believe it or not, I like him a little jealous and a little possessive. I find it cute. For example, just saying “You’re mine! is cute, but saying “Hey you, what are you doing? Who were you talking to just now? Are you cheating on me, huh?” (then my answer would be “Ugh, he’s just lost and asked me for directions. -_-“) would be totally freaky. Of course, I prefer someone sweet and someone who has enough guts to express what he feels. He should also know how to stand up for himself. (Recall: I don’t like wimps.) I just remembered, if I could really choose, I would like someone who has no SEVERE food allergies. I mean, I like cooking, baking, and stuff. So, he has to be ready to eat what I make, whether it be good or bad! LOL. I don’t want to make things he can’t eat. I’d feel terribly guilty. Anyway, he should also be someone who won’t get tired of my voice. HAHA. I’m not that great of a singer, but I like singing. Lastly, I want someone who is proud of me. HEHE. OF COURSE, I’D WANT THAT. I don’t want to be the skeleton in his closet. -_- Eww. I’m not really picky when it comes to things like this, but if I had a choice, he should be someone like the description above. I’m not asking for perfect, am I? In fact, I don’t want him to be perfect. I bet if he is perfect, he’ll go around flirting with all the ladies. That’s not good. That’s terrible! Oh, that’s another thing. I loathe flirts. I mean, he’s probably not gonna take you seriously if he goes around flirting with the whole Earthly population, right? Blah. Anyway, I’m not really against having a boyfriend. I’m not single because I shun guys. I’m single just because you don’t always need to have someone with you. You can be super on your own. I think that being single is not such a bad idea. I mean, I feel really happy with my friends. Haha. I don’t really know what I’m saying anymore. Probably, I’m telling the truth, but I could also be lying. Aside from being okay on my own, I think I’m afraid. I don’t want to search for ‘him’ because maybe, and just maybe, he doesn’t exist. I don’t want to disappoint myself. I’m too tired of all the disappointment from all the wrong guys that I knew. Sigh. Probably, and I’m wishing on a shooting star here, there’s this one guy full of guts, the most special one of all, who’ll stand before me and say “I’m the one for you” to my face. Then, if that happens, I’ll just say I know.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:38:43 +0000

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