Recently a reporter attributed a statement to a Republican calling - TopicsExpress


Recently a reporter attributed a statement to a Republican calling it a RACIST statement. It turned out that Michelle Obama is the person who made the statement -- not the Republican the reporter said it was. Now the reporter is trying to squirm out of his evaluation that the statement was a racist staement. Hey, you cant have it both ways! If the statement is a racist statement, it is a racist statement no matter who said it. We must stop this double standard by calling out those who use the race card. White people have been made to feel guilty about slavery and shamed to believe they have no right to criticize or condemn any black person no matter how offensive or racist he/she is. This paradigm is partly caused by the re-writing of history. History has taught our children in public schools (directly or indirectly) that all white Southerners owned and abused slaves. That is not true. Only about 4% of Southern white folks owned slavery, and not all white Southern folks on the plantations abused their workers. We are not condoning slavery but we need to tell the truth about it. Our students have been made to believe the USA is the only nation in the entire world which has ever had slavery because so much emphasis is given to slavery in the USA; and almost no emphasis is given to slavery in other countries. Many former slaves chose to stay on the plantation and work for a salary after they were freed. They wouldnt have stayed and worked for a Plantation owner who abused them. Also the slaves often took the name of the Plantation owner when they were freed. They could have chosen any name they wanted but many of George Washington and Thomas Jeffersons workers chose to take Jefferson an Washingtons last names. Many black children were named after George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, i.e. George Washington Carver. Many predominantly black schools were named after Washington and Jefferson. Recent history have vilified these two presidents with the black community. I believe many more black people hate white people than the opposite; and I believe their hatred is more intense. We need to analyze why this is, if it is true. Unforgiveness is part of it. Many blacks cannot forgive white people for slavery though they never endured slavery themselves. Remember, only 4% of white Southern people owned slaves, but some of the blacks hate all white people, especially all wealthy white people and all white males. Also remember that some wealthy black people owned black slaves. Also remember that some Northerners owned slaves. When Abe Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, the document only freed the slaves in the South. Northerner slave owners continued to own slaves after slavery was abolished in the South. Lincoln made a political move. He did not want to anger Northern Slave owners. I wonder if the blacks have been taught this in their history courses. Also remember that black tribesmen in Africa and people from Arabia went to Africa and captured black people, and sold them to the slave traders. But many black people are only angry with white people not Arabics or Muslims who sold them into slavery -- and they are angry with all white people even though most white Southerners never owned slaves. Most of the freed slaves were better off than most white Southerners because the white Southerners were mostly share-croppers and had no land or property of their own whereas the government gave all freed slaves 40 acres and a mule. I realize that the blacks had been mistreated but now many very poor whites saw them being given more than they had. Any time the government favors one race over another race, even when it seems justified for a short time to even the score, we need to realize that jealousy occurs and hatred begins to build. During Reconstruction Northern Soldiers and Carpetbaggers burned Southern Courthouses and raped white women so they would know how the slave women felt when they were abused. These events caused anger and hatred of some whites toward black folks. We know the black folks were not given equal schools and equal education and they had to use separate restroom and were not allowed to stay in some hotels and eat at some restaurants. We know that was very bad for the self-esteem of black folks, but did anyone ever think that the events dating back to RECONSTRUCTION might have had more to do with this treatment of blacks than slavery. I cannot prove it, but I suspect Reconstruction might have had a great influence on this time in history. Not all Southern people fought in the Civil War. Many white folks risk their lives to help slaves escape through the Underground Railroad. Is t this part of history told in our textbooks or is more emphasis given to why the blacks should hate the country which ever allowed slavery in the first place. We need to have open discussions between reasonable educated people. Parents need to be allowed to testify before the TX State Board of Education. Thomas Ratliff has proposed a rule which would only allow people he and some of the other SBOE members consider experts to testify before the SBOE. Ratliff has proposed that parents and radical Christians should not be allowed to testify before the textbook committee of the SBOE. Many of these people Thomas Ratliff considers experts are liberal professors from California and other universities; and many are liberal, socialist bureaucrats from the Federal Department of Education and the Common Core Race to the Top Program. And speaking of Obamas Race to the Top Program you also need to know that LaRaza and LULAC are radical Hispanic groups which send experts to testify before the TX SBOE. La Raza means The Race in Spanish. La Raza and Obamas Race to the top are similar to Hitlers Superrace. These groups want their race to get special privileges and to thecome the dominant race. We should not be socially engineering the population to make any race become the dominant race because we believe it to be the most intelligent race or the race which deserves special treatment.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 23:58:25 +0000

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