Recently at a womens only health seminar I held a client of mine - TopicsExpress


Recently at a womens only health seminar I held a client of mine stood up and shared w the room how she was diagnosed w Cancer and that in the last year since being a part of our womens only groups sessions ie fitclubs, weight loss challenges & consulting w me re dietary changes & supplementation she came clean of cancer alhamdulillah. All praise & thanks be to Allah. This inspired a younger client of mine to send me the below heartfelt email. I was in tears while reading it. I asked her consent before I shared with you all anonymously as she wanted to inspire others the same way she was inspired to change her life & as a result not only improved her health & helped her lose approx 15kg but saved her from committing suicide. Please at aside a few minutes of your time to do it justice so that we appreciate what a blessing it is to be able to breathe. Hey pretty woman! I just want to thankyou for all your support and dedication you have given to me and all the ladies for a life changing experience. Reminiscing back to 2013 i was such a mess suffering from depression and anxiety where my mental state was no use for a healthy body. I had hit rock bottom and was litteraly a zombie who wouldnt get out of bed for not only days but weeks. I lost all my friends didnt want to see my families face and had no social interactions for about 6 months.. as a result my family sent me to turkey for a month though it was no use. I had attempted suicide a numerous times as i couldnt see no way out and was self harming to get rid of the pain which i could not explain to anyone. You might have seen all the scars on my arms. Well it hit 2014 and it was time for a change... i was a little anxious about the weightloss challenge but thanks to my mums motivation i thought ill try something new. Walking through the doors in preston and being warmly welcomed by your beautiful face was enough for me to feel safe and ready for a journey with new peoeple who i would always run away from previously. It was time i knocked the walls down and let new people in my life other then my boyfriend and family thats when i joined the fit clubs... with your support i was motivated to meet new faces and join in social activites and had a place to go where i felt at home and important to other people. You have not only helped me be a better person physcally yet emotionally and socially subhannallah i am a new healthy me. I dont have panik attacks as i used to i also dont feel overwhelmed being in an environment with new people. Getting back to the weight loss i have had so many compliments and people i dont know have msjed me that I have inspired them. It has been such a rewarding journey with you Julide and I am so greatful Allah has placed you in my life. Ill never forget your saying allah has given me this body and it is my duty to look after it... no more self harm yet rather 80% nutrition and 20% excercise booom!!! Thankyou for everything and you will always be in my duas! Have the safest flight and the most joyful holiday! You deserve so much goodness in life. Thankyou for letting me come out of the closet xo love you long time. Sometimes you lend a helping hand not knowing that with Gods will you have helped save a life. Blessed are those whose concern of what God thinks outweighs the concern of what man thinks. 👌❤️
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 07:43:42 +0000

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