Recently during a friendly conversation someone was bragging to me - TopicsExpress


Recently during a friendly conversation someone was bragging to me that how advanced was the ‘Hindu Dharma’ as compared to other religions of the World and how powerful and resourceful were its gods and Goddesses, so I quietly listened for some time to his mental reasoning and then nicely put this innocent question…………………………………………………………………… That if they are so mighty and powerful then how come these Mighty and powerful Gods allowed foreign invaders to attack India and destroy their ancient temples and the Great Universities and Libraries full of ancient cultural knowledge and advanced Spiritual wisdom ???????????? Such an innocent but intelligent question put that person somewhat motionless like in a great shock and who thus quietly started staring in the sky, not knowing what to say !!!!! Then to console him I told him smilingly the hidden fact that all Dharma’s of this world under the desire mind impulses of the Unknowable Creator – Observer, were established by the same Group of ‘Evolved Masters’, who from their higher levels of consciousness [Dimensional planes of various frequency vibrations], run the evolutionary process upon this planet earth. But unfortunately since last few thousand years their main headquarter of evolutionary operations is illegally taken over by the dark minded masters of Left hand practices, totally indulged in Ausric Vrittis [Demonic Nature], who are also very well versed in Black magic which easily governs the material energy control [Money Concept] in the physical plane world. These Most Corrupt Masters calling themselves as the ‘’Immortal One’s’’ now wrongfully consider evolving Human Beings as just another type of animals having the same animalistic passions of Lust, Anger, Greed and false pride etc. to which they have been wrongfully introduced in the name of civilization, who are now trained and educated in various universities with ‘only one life concept’ curriculum to become an intentional slave after their graduation, looking for a master employer to give them a job to survive in their controlled atmosphere, so they work and live without their true spiritual knowledge like an animal in the name of civilization, and thus can be easily devoured [Eaten Up] of their soul consciousness energy as a delicacy by them after their physical death. This was the main reason that the time was intentionally made Zero, 2000 years ago by the demonic followers of these invisible Asuric Controllers or Demon Masters who now act as the so called Gods – Goddesses in the name of civilization. [They are not the same Vedic gods who are mentioned by Rishis [Seers] through their higher mind contemplations]. They willfully made the time Zero in a conspiracy to control this entire world under one government and burnt the ancient libraries, which were full of ancient wisdom contained in Tablets, scrolls and book forms, and although at that time many ancient advanced Lunar calendar’s of various great civilization’s existed, they have slowly overpowered all resistance during the last 2000 years to almost abolish them in the daily use. Now a days most people believe and constantly talk about time during their whole incarnated life during which their evolving consciousness stays intertwined with time, as now “Time is compared with Money”. Time just as in the past now runs the whole life as the wake up time, sleep time, work time, lunch time, meeting time, court time, school time, Dinner time, play time etc. These are the same masters who are now worshiped under various names as gods and goddesses, as well as great saints in various religions under their divide and rule policy, through which they are conveniently controlling all human beings as another form of animal, who are stuck in material greed to survive in their daily lives. They only promote those human beings in the forefront of the human society by placing them in high positions, who are fully immersed in their deceitful and illegal agendas. And most innocent humans of various religions casts and creeds not knowing this hidden fact still fight with each other claiming that their Gods [Angels] and their Religious faiths are superior to all others. According to the fundamentalist of almost all religions if no one believes in their religious doctrine then they are surely deemed to hell. But these invisible corrupt masters, about whom I am very well aware of as I incarnated on this planet Earth with full facts about their corrupt actions, under the illusion of false pride themselves became so corrupt that they started believing that there is no one above them, and they can do what ever they please and thus willfully hijacked the whole evolutionary plan and purpose of the Unknowable Supreme Creator – Observer by the misuse of their attained powers [Siddhis]. As they can control the thought process of the evolving human beings by giving them instant thoughts through impulse vibrations added in their egg shaped invisible auras, which after filtering to the human brain, the human beings consider them as their own, and most instantly act upon them without questioning them or rationally contemplating upon them. Those who have developed some kind of intuition powers through meditational contemplation cannot be easily influenced by these most corrupt controllers of this planet earth, whose doom is now inevitable, as they unknowingly also stole from the incarnated human form of the unknowable “Great One” who never came before, and so far their unquenchable greed has not allowed them to return those stolen funds. It is like the hungry monkey whose closed hand filled with the cookies is stuck in the cookie jar and the hand can only come out if he lets the cookies go, which he is unwilling to do so, and that is the analogy for the current situation prevailing upon this planet earth…!!!!!!!!! Jai Ho. Vashisht Vaid. Master of Masters.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 22:06:09 +0000

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