Recently i have realised myself that i’m too much really - TopicsExpress


Recently i have realised myself that i’m too much really addicted to FACEBOOK i don’t know why but it seems like everyday when i wake up,i need to go and find some new feeds,dramas and then keep thinking about annoy-some things which are none of my business :: This made me stop and rethink again :: i’ve some nice friends that i can talk,be rely on but we aren’t even “friend” in FB or my close friend doesn’t even upload pics,update things much so..the thing is. please don’t less your self-esteem thinking much about your personality,your money,your good-looking on FB’s just personal space that isn’t that “personal” maybe it’s even “place of public view” for me! I think Facebook help me find some lost friends but in the other side, maybe this busy social network world is too fast for me. and i feel like i need to stop and slow down myself,my life in a while i feel awkward when people who are going to have a conversation with me,but they look on their phone all the time… i feel not right when i see the updates and get jealous of good-looking friends travelling/visiting in foreign country,win some awards, graduated,earn much money or have a cool style etc.. i feel sad when we said hi to each other and then ask about FB name not even birthday or phone number .. Don’t you want to know my favourite colour? songs? places? books i’ve read? or just FACEBOOK FRIEND is enough? we don’t need to be that close in real life..? we could get to know each other/keep in touch so easily that’s why we don’t know the precious word called “patience” we don’t know the worth of “waiting” and we might lost something so easily, surprisingly we don’t even care cause we can find another things so fast on the internet For me right now, Everything gets so fast in some relationships. i had deleted this user so many times, like close then re-open again close and open again however,i have a necessary reason to keep this user for updating things about studying in university (like news form professor,homeworks) so it seems kinda hard for me to forever close Facebook but i need to slow my life just for a little bit.. so there will be no update for a while i’ll go plant some trees, read all nice books,watch movie and do other activities for enjoying my holidays. ^_^ My english wasn’t that good but i just want to say i wrote this in English sorry if my grammar or words aren’t good, i’m really sucks in essay hahaha i’m actually not that kind of romantic person and don’t like to talk too much but it would be nice if next time you wanna contact me, write me a post card or letter, please haha thank you :))
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 16:57:32 +0000

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