Recently in our national training we had our TOP FIVE QUESTIONS - TopicsExpress


Recently in our national training we had our TOP FIVE QUESTIONS ANSWERED about Znz, Zipnadazilch LLC. 1. What do you like best about working with Znz? Znz has a proven track record. Paying out almost $9,000,000.00 todate. They have been around for just about seven years now. No false promises from new companys. That means you can start earning huge paydays right away. And they pay us $130.00 per commission!! 2.Do I have to do samples everyday? No. The sample process is a one time thing. Newspapers are dying all across the country. Big Companys need places to advertise to gain new customers. Znz is one such avenue. We want you to try them, not buy them. Keep track of your sample offers getting an 800# from each sample. Then you call and canx on the appropriate date. No charge to you. 3. How long does it take to get started? Not long at all. It took me 45 mins to complete Step 1 and 2. Znz One and Znz Big Cash. Then our training emails we send get you up and running within hours. We also have training meetings everyweek that you can attend. We dont just leave you hanging once we are paid. Our dicated training site also has many recorded videos that you can listen to also. 4. How much money do I have to spend to get this up and running? On the day I started I ran out of free samples so I ended up paying 1.00,1.99 and another 1.00 for a total of $4.00 for a job I make over $1000.00 per week! Some days its totally free. Many of the samples are changed out at midnight CST. So each day is different. Once you get through Step 1 &2 Znz Gives you FREE WEB PAGES. Once you start there are two choices you have as to landing pages(website you use to promote your business). One is FREE the other is 1.00 for the first 30 days and 19.00 per month after that. You chose which one you would like to use. With our Free training we teach you how to get mass amounts of free traffic to your sites! 5. Once I start how long does it take to start making money? I made $303.00 my first 24 hours!! And I didnt even talk to anyone! By my second week. I was making over a thousand per week!! That was when Znz was only paying $101.00 per sign up. Now after November with the opening of a brand new division they pay us $130.00 per sign up. Sounds great uh? No boss, no set hours and a bunch of successful team mates to help you get going. Znz is currently only in the U.S. Canada and the U.k. If this sounds like something you would like to do....message me and I will send you the website so you can start making great money from home on your terms too!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 01:24:47 +0000

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