Recently ive noticed somewhat of a trend of sorts in ads - TopicsExpress


Recently ive noticed somewhat of a trend of sorts in ads premiering for prime time shows (like Believe or the next new one Crisis from NBC, or Resurrection from ABC) on network TV, and was (yet again) disappointed, thinking (again) just how sad it is that people even watch things like that (which ultimately only blur the title concept in question further for the viewer, so that theyll end up being uncertain of what the word even means) and not be able to recognize it as the sign (or writing on the wall as it were) that it is. Some ads for Crisis ive seen depict a normal everyday person in midst of crisis where theyve been manipulated into situations beyond their control (or, presumably, our belief...) wherein theyd basically be filling the shoes of a terrorist. One i saw: a girl had a bomb strapped to her, finger on the switch; and she says help me!! ... another: a guy is forced to type something on a computer that (unbeknownst to him..?) causes a drone to blow things up, or crash, or some-such. It seems to just be another one of those shows... like the swords not already double-edged! Networks are merely building up tension and confusion by playing into the prevailing fears of chunks of the populace (you know, demographics) and capitalizing on it in the process -- like this should surprise me these days though, really... But anyway... An ad today caused me to consider the various merits of preparation when it seems that all of it would basically be for naught -- how itd be were i in such a place, and life had simply led up to having to go a different direction than perhaps ones id been expecting. You know, you see a show like that on TV in these last days, and then you suddenly find yourself wondering why youd ever even bothered with some of the things in your OWN past..! But then, really, its wiser for us to consider that everything has purpose; a reason exists for everything that has happened, is happening, or ever will occur. What are our mistakes, then, if not just experience designed to prepare for potential future outcomes? In that vein, i suppose, the term regrets would merely refer to the things for which we feel badly -- whether we caused them or not. Though this begs the question: why should we ever feel as though wed rather change something about ourselves or our past, hoping to perhaps end up with something more cushy for our future than wed have otherwise received...? As if (... from down here...) we could even see the big picture well enough to even make an educated guess in the first place...! Well, it sure seems what they all used to tell us, actually WILL wind up being true: life will bring possibilities beyond your imagination. Perhaps even things we never imagined wed ever face having to endure, not just believe, are in store for us. However, whatever does end up happening will NOT be beyond the ability to survive; since the reality of this world is really nothing more than just another link in the chain of existence, when you consider eternity and Heaven (or your own particular take on life after life, if you will). Regardless of the twists and turns i have taken and will take, my life is simply my story; and even if it DOES happen to have some ending or another in store here on Earth, it happens to continue indefinitely onward thereafter; and as such, experience from this life holds its purposes and, itself, serves as preparation for me. To what end -- oh, i cannot say for i know not what lays in store for me -- i just know that all of this ado we make of life (extreme as it may end up becoming) will end up with an outcome for me, and itll be one for which ive been prepared -- and ill know it when i see it, too. There will ALWAYS be a way.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:29:38 +0000

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