Recently our church had a Parents Date Night that we refer to in - TopicsExpress


Recently our church had a Parents Date Night that we refer to in our family as Kids Fun Night. The church does this usually the second Friday night each month. Our kids love it and so do we. As we were leaving, we let our littlest love walk through the building on his own. His brother and I herded him past the open doorways and stairs, into the fellowship hall. Our littlest love threw up his arms and just ran, in the big, open space. As a family we waited for awhile, as he experienced freedom. After a few moments, he joined us at the door, running straight to his daddy, giggling with delight. Remember that feeling? It comes in different phases in life: the first time you had enough money to shop for Christmas gifts on your own, a child-free night, an entire weekend with no obligations, a visit to a well managed library. Its a great feeling, isnt it? We all have those moments where we desire such freedom. I love the freedom we have in Christ. Isnt it wonderful that we arent stuck in all the Old Testament rules? Of course we abide by the Ten Commandments, its the basis for a lot of our laws, but those rules addressing everything from sacrifices to cleanliness and what should not be eaten, no longer apply. Im so grateful my salvation isnt based on rule abiding. We have freedom in Christ. I love it when I open my Bible because of a relationship, rather than an obligation. Does it always feel that way? Unfortunately, no. We sometimes view approaching God in prayer as a chore rather than an incredibly exciting opportunity. We should be throwing up our arms in excitement and praise! How amazing! Experience the freedom we have in Christ! Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:33:00 +0000

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