Recently seen the movies, As Above/So Below, A Most Wanted Man, - TopicsExpress


Recently seen the movies, As Above/So Below, A Most Wanted Man, The November Man, The Grand Seduction, Step Up: All In and The Rover! Ill start with Step Up: All In! Step Up: All In, a sequel that nobody asked for and a sequel that nobody went to see, which is good because like all the Step Up films this film was absolute shit. I should do a recap of the previous Step Up films, I know all the films are bad, so there isn’t much to sum up, but I’ll do my best. The first Step Up movie stared Channing Tatum, which is an actor now we can actually call talented, which is weird because I thought I would never see the day that would happen. Anyways the first Step Up movie was about a generic guy dancer, who meets a generic girl dancer at a generic art school and both of them agree to be each other’s partner in a generic dance showcase. The film also has a lot of clichés and is filled with even more generic characters, which are played by the world’s shittiest young actors. The dancing in the film is sometimes entertaining, but the film in general was horrible and I was baffled that it did so well in the box office. That, of course spawned a sequel called Step Up 2: The Streets, which is an even worse title than just Step Up. Anyways, the second Step Up movie was just as terrible as the first by putting in even worse actors and even worse writers. The dancing was much better in the second film, but again these are suppose to be movies not just dancing shows, there suppose to be movies with good stories, good acting, interesting characters, solid writing and well executed direction. These, Step Up movies are just shitty films that have good dance sequences in them. So when the third and fourth Step Up film came out, it just gave us the same shit. So now when this Step Up movie came out I just thought to myself why? Why are they making another Step Up movie? We already saw these movies and we suffered through enough, so why do we have to suffer again? Well… maybe this Step Up movie will be different, maybe it will actually bring something new and actually put in some good actors. So like I do with all these movies I gave this movie a watch and saw for myself how bad could this movie be and as it turns out these movies can not only be bad, but they can be annoyingly bad. That’s right, Step Up: All In was a piece of shit and not just any piece of shit; it’s an annoying piece of shit. You see the previous Step Up films are really bad movies, but they never really annoyed me, I just considered them bad movies that some people might like. Now as for this movie, this wasn’t just any bad Step Up movie, this was the worse Step Up movie. The story of this movie is about a guy, who’s down on his luck, but when he hears about a dance competition in Las Vegas he assembles a crew that consists of people who were in the previous Step Up movies. So with his new crew he has to battle his old crew and his arch enemy’s crew in the dance competition. With all that the film has a lot of clichés, bad direction, laughable dialogue and the shittiest acting in any Step Up movie, which is saying something. I don’t know why I hated this movie as much as I did because this movie was going to be bad no matter what and I knew that, but the writing in this film was so damn bad that I was actually getting annoyed watching this film. The characters were annoying as well, but the writing bothered me the most because it felt like the writer of this film wasn’t even trying. He just wrote the most generic story and put in the most one note characters I’ve seen in a dance movie. He also put in so many clichés that it was just getting stupid and like I said before these movies are suppose to be bad, but this movie was just shit. The dialogue was horrendous and all the conflicts in this movie were so poorly done that I was actually laughing throughout most of this movie. Trish Sie directed this film and I don’t think she will ever direct another movie again after doing this and John Swetnam, who also wrote this year’s Into the Storm, wrote this movie and I think he is hands down the worst writer of the year. Between this film and Into the Storm I don’t think this guy knows how to write a good movie. This was not at all a good movie and thanks to bad writing, bad direction and horrible acting, this film was just annoying to watch. This franchise has been going on for a little while now and I think it’s finally over, which is good because nobody even gave a shit about it when it first started and I can tell nobody is giving a shit that it’s ending. If you’re a Step Up fan, then you might enjoy this movie, but if not this movie will just piss you off, so I suggest that you should skip it. Ill give it a 2 out of 10. Next is the movie, A Most Wanted Man! I was going into this movie knowing very little about it because I never read the book it was based off and I didn’t watch the trailer for it, so I just watched the movie and hoped it was good and was it good? Yes, A Most Wanted Man was a good movie. The film is really slow and has some pacing issues, which I did have a problem with and plus the movie isn’t for everyone because this movie relies on its dialogue and characters to be thrilling not the actual story, which I found pretty clever. Some people might not like that, which I get because some people will probably watch this movie and be bored, which again I do understand, but as someone who loves smart and intriguing dialogue I have to say that this movie was very enjoyable to watch. I found this film to be very sharp when it came to its writing, Andrew Bovell, who wrote this film, knew very well what he was doing and I thought he did a fantastic job setting this story up with his sharp dialogue, smart characters and subtle plot. I think what got me into this movie was not just the great writing, but because how smart this movie was because this movie was really smart. This is not a film you can see once and understand everything; no this is a movie you would have to see a few more times. Even though I did get the gist of this film, there was still some minor parts of the film there weren’t explained in detail and you have to watch this film a few more times to get everything. Now like I said some people are probably not going to be able to get into this movie because how slow it is, which is a shame because this is a great film, but that happens sometimes. However, I think most can agree that the acting in this movie was fantastic. Phillip Seymour Hoffman, god rest his soul, was phenomenal in this movie, from start to finish he was captivating. His character was a very smart character and you don’t really know much about him, which makes him all the more interesting. Rachel McAdams was great in this film as well, which is a good change because Rachel McAdams has talent, but she hasn’t really been using her talent lately in movies, but in this movie she really delivers. Robin Wright also delivers in this film, which I liked because I’m a fan of Robin Wright. The character she plays was a perfect character for Robin Wright to play. Daniel Bruhl plays a small part in the film, but he was still great in his role. Willem Dafoe was also in this movie and he was great too. The whole cast was amazing in the movie and also thanks to Anton Corbijn’s direction all of that made this movie what it was, which is a smart dramatic thriller. This movie is slow, but if you can put up with that, then you will definitely enjoy this movie. I sure enjoyed it and I would recommend it to everyone. Ill give it an 8.5 out of 10. Next is the movie, The November Man! The movie, The November Man is a movie that’s trying to be like an R rated James Bond type film; it even stars Pierce Brosnan, who’s playing a secret agent that’s like Timothy Dalton’s James Bond. So a spy movie that’s rated R and is trying to like a James Bond movie that stars a James Bond actor, who’s trying to be like another James Bond actor, kind of sounds awesome when you put it like that. I’m not a huge fan of Pierce Brosnan, so I wasn’t really looking forward to this movie, but when I read more about this movie I kind of got more interested. Now that I finally watched the movie did I enjoy it? Not particularly! You see this is the kind of movie I could’ve enjoyed and from the beginning of this movie I actually thought this movie was going to be a lot of fun, but then it kept going and it just got more dull and generic. Pierce Brosnan was a lot of fun to watch in this movie, even though I’m not a fan of his I still enjoyed him in this movie. I’ve never seen Pierce Brosnan play such a dark role in a movie before, so it was pretty exciting for a change to see Pierce Brosnan play a fierce main character that you don’t want to screw with. Pierce Brosnan also looked like he was a having blast doing this movie, so that just made his performance all the more fun to watch, but unfortunately he was the only one that was fun to watch. Everyone else played really generic roles in this film, like the villains were really generic, Luke Bracey plays the generic apprentice and Olga Kurylenko pretty much plays a generic James Bond girl just like she does in Quantum of Solace. That really annoyed me because I wanted this movie to be a fun action movie, with some really dark stuff in it and the movie didn’t really deliver that. The plot of this movie is like the most generic espionage type plot and most of the characters were pretty generic as well. Like come on I should be watching an action movie not watching another Step Up movie with generic characters. Like I said, Pierce Prosnan does make this movie fun when he can and the first twenty minutes of this movie was actually pretty fun to watch, so I give this movie that. The action also deserves some credit because the action in this movie was decently entertaining, but right when the action stopped the whole movie pretty much stopped. This entire movie was just dull and really boring to watch. They easily could’ve made this movie a lot of fun, but they just ruined it with its bad writing and generic storyline. Roger Donaldson, who directed this film, is the kind of guy who can make pretty good action movies because he directed films, like The Bank Job, Thirteen Days and No Way Out, which are all pretty thrilling movies, so this movie could’ve worked under his direction, but he just blew it on this one. The November Man was a boring movie with some good action and a fun performance by Pierce Brosnan, but that’s it. This isn’t anything special and it’s not a movie you should run out and see right away, so I can’t recommend it. Ill give it a 5 out of 10. Next is the movie, The Grand Seduction! This is the third Canadian Film Award movie I’ve seen this year and out of the three I’ve seen I think this is the weaker one. The other two films I saw were the movies, The F Word and Enemy and both of those movies were a little bit better than The Grand Seduction. The F Word was a funny romantic comedy with really sharp writing and two great leads actors, who have great chemistry with each other and that is why I enjoyed that one the most. Enemy was a really strange movie that starred the talented Jake Gyllenhaal, who was great in the film, even though the film itself was a tad flawed. The ending was really strange and pretty shocking to most people. The movie as a whole was still a great movie and I enjoyed it. Now this movie, The Grand Seduction is also a pretty decent movie, but it didn’t have the sharp writing that The F Word had and it didn’t have the top notch acting that Enemy had, so this film wasn’t better than those movies. That being said this movie still has some things that I really enjoyed watching, like for one thing the acting in this movie was done rather well. Brendan Gleeson was great in this movie and I enjoyed his character and I thought he brought a lot of wit to the film. The supporting cast did a decent job as well, most of them were actors I don’t even know, but that didn’t matter because I enjoyed them still. Now the only actor I didn’t enjoy was Taylor Kitsch. I’m not a fan of him and I think most of the movies he does aren’t the greatest, but it sucks that he kind of dragged this movie down a bit. It sucks because most of the actors did very well in this movie; it was just Taylor Kistch’s performance that was really off. If I had to pick other things that I didn’t like about this movie I would probably say that I didn’t like how this movie was edited. I thought the editing in this movie was really sloppy and it was another thing dragging the movie down. The movie was also really predictable and it had a lot of clichés, but that didn’t really bother me because I thought those clichés still kind of worked for the movie. The only thing that bothered was the editing in this movie and Taylor Kitsch’s performance was another thing. The movie can also be a bit dull at times, but the movie does make up for that with its really interesting story and well acted cast. Now as much I enjoyed this movie I don’t think this is a movie I would probably watch again, I’m glad I watched it, but I would never watch it again. That’s got nothing to do with this movies story or premise or characters, I’ve just seen other movies that have similar stories to this one and there were much better films. Like I said I still enjoyed this movie, but I don’t think this movie is remarkable and I don’t even think it was better than the other two Canadian Film Award movies. I would still recommend this movie because it’s still a decent movie, but it’s just not amazing. Many people will probably enjoy this movie anyways, so that’s great, but as for me I’m glad I watched it once. Ill give it a 6.5 out of 10. Next is the movie, The Rover! The Rover is a dark western type movie that’s not only beautifully shot, but also very well acted by its two lead actors. This movie is a post-apocalyptic movie that has the same kind of feel as Mad Max, which I liked because Mad Max also relied on its great cinematography and its great leading performer to carry the movie, which it did and that’s exactly what this movie did. The Rover was really lacking on its narrative and the plot of the movie wasn’t really strong, but just like Mad Max this movie has really good actors in it and the film is also shot really well. Seriously the cinematography was just amazing, almost every shot in this movie had perfect and clear angles and each shot really set the tone of the movie very well. The engaging performance by both Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson was probably the strongest thing in this movie. Guy Pearce plays a character who just wants to get his car back from a bunch of thieves and to do that he gets some help from one of the thieves’ brothers, who’s played by Robert Pattinson. Together they embark on a journey to get his car back and on this journey they learn about each other and they both go through a lot with each other. This is a really dark movie and it gets at times unpleasant to watch in some scenes, but the movie shows you a lot about the world and a lot about people and it did have a message to it. This movie isn’t for everybody because it does lack in its narrative and plot, but the film has a lot of great acting in it by its two leads and the cinematography was just amazing in this movie. I would recommend this movie just for the acting and cinematography, that might not be enough for some people, which I get, but I would still recommend this movie. Ill give it a 7.6 out of 10. Next is the movie, As Above/So Below! When are they going to stop making found-footage movies, sure the found-footage style worked for End of Watch and Chronicle, but for the horror movie genre I don’t think the found-footage style works really well. Between the Paranormal Activity movies, Cloverfield, The Fourth Kind, Quarantine and other found-footage horror movies, I think I’m just getting tired of these types of movies. The new found-footage horror movie I’m reviewing is the movie, As Above/So Below. Yes, that title alone is really stupid, but that’s not the only thing that was stupid in this movie. The characters in this movie were not just annoying to watch, but they were the typical stupid horror movie characters that do the most unrealistic things in bad situations. Seriously the whole time when you’re watching this movie your yelling at the characters saying, why are you doing that or these people are idiots. Sure the actors playing these awful characters are terrible actors, but that doesn’t make it okay that the writing in this movie was shit. John Erick Dowdle and Drew Dowdle wrote and directed this movie and they’ve made other movies, like Quarantine and Devil, which were both terrible movies, but they weren’t as terrible as this one. The writing in this movie was beyond bad because the story was very convoluted, the dialogue was cheesy and the characters were all one note characters. The direction, of course wasn’t any better because this film was very low-budget, so the movie looked really cheap looking, but as do all found-footage films. The film also had bad execution and there wasn’t a solid structure to it either and that was all because of terrible direction. Now was this movie scary at all? No this movie wasn’t at all scary, it had some creepy imagery every now and then, but the movie wasn’t scary. There was a lot of shaky cam, which was very annoying and there was a lot of fast editing going on in the movie, which wasn’t a big deal because it’s a found-footage movie, but I don’t like fast paced editing. So this movie pretty much did nothing right, so that should mean I absolutely hated this movie, which is sort of correct because I didn’t like this movie at all, but I don’t think this movie is worse than other movies I saw. Sure this movie basically did nothing right, but the movie didn’t piss me off like a lot of other movies did and plus this movie was pretty darn short, so I didn’t have to sit very long watching this pile of crap. I’m sure some horror movie fans will get a kick out of this movie, but I personally didn’t like it and I would never recommend it to anyone. Ill give it a 3 out of 10.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 02:33:08 +0000

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