Recently, theres been much discussion regarding comments made by a - TopicsExpress


Recently, theres been much discussion regarding comments made by a well known Co-Pastor and author around the subject of Worship. I dont even want to begin to think I know what she was trying to say, why she said it, or what she meant by it. Certainly, it struck a chord with me and many in Christian circles because the emphasis was on the benefits of worship for oneself. I will say that its not the first time I have heard well-meaning Christians basically say the same thing. If my worship, my giving, my time, my resources, etc., (ALL WORSHIP) is offered up for any other reason than GOD IS WORTHY, then Ive misunderstood the gospel and Im in error. Worship is not even about our song service on Sunday mornings and dont get me started on our songs for many of them are focused on US. Worship is EVERYTHING I offer to God because He gave everything for me and you. The meaning of the New Testament Greek word most often translated “worship” (proskuneo) is “to fall down before” or “bow down before.” Read Revelation 4 if you want to understand Worship! Worship is a state (an attitude) of spirit. Since it’s an internal, individual action, it could/should be done most of the time (or all the time) in our lives, regardless of place or situation (John 4:21). (Read more: Ive heard Christians talk about the kick-back they get when they give their 10% tithe to the Church. Is this not the same thing that this Co-Pastor is saying? It benefits ME?? Again, anything we offer to God should be from a pure heart with no strings attached. You may say, but arent there benefits? My answer would be, Does it matter? But, to answer that question I would say... The benefit is, I get the privilege of delighting myself in the Lord, the Creator of Heaven and Earth! Thats it! Not.... God did this because I did that, etc. This is a form of manipulation. Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. Deuteronomy 7:9 Simply said, God has been and will continue to be Faithful to you because you love Him and obey Him in every area of your life. We must come to the place where we realize, Jesus Christ shed His blood for us, freeing us from every kind of sin, cleansed and made us HIS very own people totally committed to doing good deeds (Titus 2:14). Without Jesus sacrificial offering, we would have been eternally lost in our sin! We all need to get a grip on the TRUTH and turn our back on the ME-ME-ME thinking. We need to return to a focus on the Lord Himself. Christ Jesus crucified and raised to life is the Gospel message. This is Truth. Its not about me. Its all about Him. Lets fix our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2) and get them off of ourselves.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:12:54 +0000

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