Recipe for the perfect branding. UNFORTUNATELY FOR THEM, THE TRUTH - TopicsExpress


Recipe for the perfect branding. UNFORTUNATELY FOR THEM, THE TRUTH WANTS OUT! Thank you, Ilan Pappe. . - Recruiting academia to provide “scientific truth” to your ideological claims. - Recruiting the film industry in Israel and in particular in Hollywood to sell the Zionist story, and demonise the Palestinians. - Portraying the main hero as part of the white nation e.g. the very Aryan Paul Newman in Exodus from 1948. - Portraying the Palestinians - the few times they appear - like monsters and inhuman. - Creating the pro-Israeli lobby, AIPAC. What the academia and the films conveyed was that Israel was the most successful project of modernization in the twentieth century. While modernization disappointed due to catastrophes such as the Holocaust, the creation of a Jewish state was a pure moment of enlightenment and progress. If this was Zionism and this was the state of Israel, one can imagine how the Palestinians were projected in this narrative. This was accompanied by manipulation of the Holocaust memory. The main theme was the Nazification of the Palestinians. What was done to the Palestinians – the ethnic cleansing of 1948 and the occupation – were justified means not only of self-defence but also punishment for what was done to the Jews in Europe. This was of course a totally illogical claim, but it worked for a long while as a reasonable argument.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 12:27:09 +0000

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