Recognize when people disrespect you and take steps to stop it. A - TopicsExpress


Recognize when people disrespect you and take steps to stop it. A person with self respect doesnt allow others to treat them badly, and would rather not associate with someone who is disrespectful. This might seem obvious, but there are many times when we accept being treated badly (in both big and small ways) because we believe the person doesnt know any better, or because were not willing to let that person go, or because were too down on ourselves to believe we deserve better. When someone doesnt give you basic respect, you must learn to let that person go. Nobody said it was easy to turn your back on someone who has clearly disrespected you, if you care about that person a lot. But once you break the bad habit of associating with someone who makes you feel terrible, youll feel your self-respect soar.Learn to recognize a manipulative or controlling relationship. It can be hard to see when a person close to us is being disrespectful, especially if theyre subtle and sneaky and its been going on for a long time. Stop being needy. Many times in dating or friendships, we let people walk all over us because we feel needy. Learn to face the fact that you do not need to depend on someone else for your happiness. Stop being a people pleaser. Paying attention to everyone elses needs but your own is a classic sign of low self-respect.Learn to practice nonviolent communication. When you do confront someone about their disrespectful behavior, try to stick to positive and productive communication guidelines.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:48:32 +0000

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