Recommended Reading: Ive often talked about something you dont - TopicsExpress


Recommended Reading: Ive often talked about something you dont hear enough about in the media -- the fact that parts of the Democratic base oppose legalizing the undocumented. Heres a copy of a letter -- dated Nov. 12 -- from Charles Butler, an African-American radio host, to Rep. Marcia Fudge, Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus. Draw your own conclusions. KILL IMMIGRATION REFORM, NOW! NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Hon. Marcia L. Fudge, Chair Congressional Black Caucus 2344 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Chairman Fudge: Last week, President Obama declared in a White House post-election press conference that he is committed to act alone on comprehensive immigration reform through executive action. In defiance to the election results on November 5th, that returned control of the Congress to conservatives, as well as, many state and local elected offices. His message(s) thus far, reveals that he has failed to recognize the will of The People. Whether with a decision to cast votes or stay at home, The People felt the country was going in the wrong direction, according to all of the major polls. Mr. Obama is ignoring the warnings of the incoming leaders of Congress, Senator McConnell, and Cong. Boehner, have stated if he acts on immigration reform alone, it will be a deal killer the rest of his term. The fact is President Obama, will do with the stoke of his pen, what 300 years of slavery, Jim Crow, and legal segregation could not; destroy the hopes and dreams of millions of Black Americans. His position on illegal immigration and reform is not tenable given the numerous sources of information that warn of the negative impact of immigration reform on Black Americans and low-income Americans. If he were White, the CBC would be outraged, and mad as hell at the brazen callousness of the impact on Blacks by any elected official regardless of color or party. I implore you to get very outraged, very soon, because President Obama has not shown the CBC or Black America any respect in his entire tenure in office. On August 5, 2014, Peter Kirsanow, a Commissioner on the United States Civil Rights Commission wrote President Obama a letter detailing[i] the devastating impact his executive orders would have on Black Americans. In April 2013, The Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Cong. Fudge received a letter from three members of the United States Civil Rights Commission (USCCR) [ii] stating the same concerns of the negative impact of immigration reform on Blacks. Obviously, members of the CBC and their staffs have ignored the USCCR letters and briefing reports that contain compelling research and quantitative data, that concluded the support of immigration reform pits Blacks and lower-income Americans against immigrants. Thus, I have taken initiative to resend a copy of the USCCR letter to you as the Chairman of the CBC, by confidential correspondence via the USPS, Facebook, Twitter, and office email. Copies of this letter will be sent to selected members of the CBC, the Congress, along with the RNC and DNC staff, and the mainstream media. I implore the CBC and you demand that Mr. Obama allow the legislative process to take its course, and not use his executive action to override Congress. The members of the CBC have taken an oath to uphold the constitution, not a party, or president but, to represent The People, your constituents best interests. Any form of immigration reform will have a devastating impact on Black Americans, your major constituents, for decades to come. Demand that Congress and Mr. Obama enforce the laws on the books and take heed to the recommendations of Cong. Barbara Jordan on immigration reform. The CBC does not have an Adam Clayton Powell, Barbara Jordan, Shirley Chisolm, Mickey Leland, Ron Dellums, Julian Dixon, or Bill Grey, but it is time for someone to challenge Mr. Obama, before he takes irreversible executive actions that will further push Black Americans down the ladder for decades to come. Use the constitutional powers invested in your office to do the right thing for your constituents and all Americans. The federal laws have been unenforced by President Obama, A.G. Holder; both have a constitutional obligation to enforce the laws on books. In 8 USC 1324a – Title 8 – Aliens and Nationality, Chapter 12 –Immigration and Nationality, Subchapter II – Immigration, Part VIII – General Penalty Provisions, Section 1324a, [iii] clearly states it is unlawful to employ unauthorized aliens. Today the federal, state, and local governments are issuing legal documents to aliens in direct violation of the laws of our country. We are a nation of laws, and government should not selectively enforce them. The laws should be applied equally to all persons under the constitution. Illegals do not have rights in America. There is not an “Anchor Baby,” provision in the entire USC, the minor is the responsibility of the parents, and should not become a ward of the state, whether born in the U.S. or not. They should be deported with their parent(s) and allowed to return when they are of legal age to exercise their American citizenship. Mr. Obama, the White House staff, and Congress should read the USCCR letters (attached) and the briefing report titled The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers a Briefing before the United States Commission on Civil Rights, Held in Washington, DC, Briefing Report[iv]. The USCCR advised President Obama, the House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate that; The members recalled a 2008 USCCR hearing that concluded that amnesty would harm black Americans.“ The briefing witnesses, well-regarded scholars from leading universities and independent groups, were ideologically diverse,” they wrote. “All the witnesses acknowledged that illegal immigration has a negative impact on black employment, both in terms of employment opportunities and wages.” Cong. Barbara Jordan stated in her final testimony as Chairman of the Commission on Immigration in 1997, view final copy report here[v]. She stressed that deportation is crucial to the enforcement of immigration laws. She stated that, “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.” The 911 Commission Report[vi] said the failure the immigration system[vii] allowed the 911 terrorists to embed themselves into the country attaining documents and access to U.S. government sponsored education and financial support. The lack of immigration law enforcement is a major national security priority per the 911 Commission Report finding in 2003. Mr. Obama and the Congress have yet to act on any of its most critical findings. For the politician, pundit, and reader that have not read history of illegal immigration or conducted research on the subject; this is not the first time our border sovereignty has been challenged by our neighbors to the south. During and after World War II, employers hired cheap illegal labor and refused to hire returning veterans. Totally, ignoring the Davis-Bacon Act and prevailing wages laws, meant to eliminate cheap Black labor from the U.S. South during the 1930’s Great Migration. Presidents Truman and Eisenhower devised and implemented “Operation Wetback[viii],” which used the U.S. military to deport millions of illegal immigrants from our country, forcefully and with finality. The U.S. Border Patrol was 1/10 the size it is today and without the ancillary federal agencies with immigration oriented responsibilities. The irony is the Civil Rights Bill of 1957, was the first civil rights legislation passed since Reconstruction, and was primarily a voting rights bill, that President Eisenhower asked Congress to pass and he signed it into law. President Barack Hussein Obama will dilute the impact of the Black vote, because of the 20-25 million illegals in the country. During the last three election cycles, the mainstream networks or the parties never mentioned the impact of the Black vote. The Democrats decided that the Black vote could sway midterm races if they came out to vote as in 2012. However, they did not because illegal immigration reform works against them and their families and no one in Washington, D.C., is advocating their adverse position on illegal immigration reform. The undermining of Black America is unconscionable by Obama, and the Congress, both Democrat and Republican politicians. When that dumb question is asked, what do we do with the people that are here? The answer is to deport them they broke the law! Respectfully yours, Charles L. Butler [i] Link to Letter from USCCR Commissioner Kirsanow to President Obama – tinyurl/kirsanow-ltr-to-obama-08052014 [ii] Link to Letter of Three USCCR Commissioners to Chairman of CBC – tinyurl/USCCR-CBC-illegals [iii] Link to Title 8- Aliens and Nationality, Chap 12, subchapter @, Part V, sec 1324a.- [iv] USCCR – The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers…- [v] U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform “Becoming an American: Immigration & Immigration Policy” 1997, Chairman, Cong. Barbara Jordan – [vi] Link to 911 Commission Report on Immigration and national security – immigrationreform/2014/09/11/10-years-later-the-911-commission-reports-findings-on-immigration/ [vii] Summary and Highlights of 911 Commission Report on – [viii] Brief cursory overview of Operation Wetback,
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 22:33:02 +0000

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