Recover from YOUR poor choices and worst mistakes! Sometimes we - TopicsExpress


Recover from YOUR poor choices and worst mistakes! Sometimes we find ourselves faced with difficult choices. We can be staring at two options and almost literally feel torn between which one to choose. We might know what the right choice is, but we might still have the desire to make the wrong one. Life is filled with moments in which you feel as if you are standing in a fork in the road, looking down two potential paths, and wondering which way you should go. We all make mistakes over the course of our life. You can count on making a few bad choices. It comes with the territory. Still, those mistakes can really drag you down and recovering from them is definitely not a trivial matter, as I know all too well. How to recover: 1) Take full responsibility: The first step you must take when having made a poor choice is recognize the part you played in a situation. It does no good at all to make excuses or rationalize or pretend that, for whatever reason, you are not to blame. If you want to move forward from wherever youve found yourself, you have to take responsibility for your choices and actions. 2) Understand your choices: Next, its essential that you understand why you made the decision you made. Keep in mind that this is not a time to think of excuses for why it happened; this is a time to understand why it happened so you can avoid making similar decisions in the future. Really take some time to think about why you did what you did so you can begin to move on. 3) Be proactive in the future: The best thing you can do for yourself when you find that youve knowingly made a bad decision is to find ways to be proactive after the fact. Ask yourself what can be fixed or changed now. And then think about what you can do in the future to make sure you dont find yourself making similar decisions. Dont downplay the importance of taking future action. When you find yourself in a situation in which youve made a bad decision and there is no one to blame but you, it can be tempting to feel down on yourself and to start thinking negatively, but DONT! MOTIVATE | ACTIVATE | CELEBRATE
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 06:16:22 +0000

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