Recovery And Discovery - Most churches governed by a pastoral - TopicsExpress


Recovery And Discovery - Most churches governed by a pastoral mentality have not been able to release the gifts of God fully. Many pastors are afraid to release prophecy, deliverance, and other supernatural ministries for fear of losing control. These things cannot be administrated and organized in the flesh. Many pastors think in terms of maintaining order and safety within the local church. The apostolic and prophetic gifts are more radical and progressive. Apostles are pioneers and risk takers. They are not afraid to receive and release new things. As long as our churches are governed by pastoral mind-sets, they will continue to see many gifts restricted and held back. There are many people with apostolic and prophetic gifts who are frustrated in churches because of leaders who are unable to release them. Many of these leaders have good hearts, but they lack the apostolic grace to facilitate what the Lord desires to do. There are also leaders with apostolic callings who cannot fully activate and release the people because they have been trained to think and operate pastorally. The pastoral mind-set has hindered many who have other callings. Many leaders have been trained in Bible schools and seminaries to think pastorally and administratively. How many schools can one attend today that teach and train people to operate apostolically and prophetically? Even as the axehead ( apostolic and prophetic anointing ) was lost in the river, and lay in the mud on the bottom, ( sunk into human maneuvering and operations ) while trying to build more space for the prophets. ( it takes the spirit to produce spirit, even if we have learned how to imitate it, we cant get divine results w/ natural ministry ) The man of God knew it would take a miracle. So he broke off a branch. (first Jesus was a branch, further we are branches broken off from natural reliance and thrown into the water of the spirit) The axehead rose from the bottom of human ministry back to the top of the water. ( intercession, teaching & activation ) And put back on the axe handle. Hello, you are His battle-axe. (Jer.51:20-23) Thus, it opened the flow of building, expansion and a new revelation of divine intervention! (2 Kings.5:1-7) vs1. You gotta see expansion by the spirit vs.2. GO (Mtt 28:17-20) Jordan - cross over from the flesh realm to the spirit realm. And stop talking and get busy. vs.3. We must be conscience to move under a prophetic covering. vs4. They set there hands to work. vs. 5. It was borrowed. What are you doing with your talent, His business and Expanding the Kingdom? vs. 6. Go back to the spot where *spirit life... *fell off... the *head. (stop me from preaching there) vs. 7. Nobody is going to pick it up for you. You must pick it up for yourself. a. stretch out. b. his hand of authority, strength, focus and clarity. c. he purposed to take it into his possession and re-set the POWER TO PREVAIL BY BRINGING HEAVEN TO EARTH. IT WAS A MATTER OF...Recovery And Discovery!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:47:45 +0000

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