Recruiting and selecting staff is the one of the most critical - TopicsExpress


Recruiting and selecting staff is the one of the most critical aspects of the organisation. The process must be clinical. Decision maker/s must guard against their emotions being tagged. Often, recommendations creep into decision making processes. This may be helpful, however I consider highly motivated, ambitious, enthusiastic, outcomes driven individuals good candidates. The interview process must be effectively utilized to identify such desired strengths. Attributes of talented staff as discussed in the following article is a good marker for identifying potential leaders. So if you desire a promotion, read the article. Anil Singh The 5 Things Your Boss Really Wants to Hear If you want to be noticed by your boss--in a good way!--theres no need to plot elaborate strategies or climb over your colleagues. Sometimes it really does come down to the simple things. BY LOLLY DASKAL Unless youre in business for yourself, chances are that you and your colleagues are all working to keep a good impression of yourselves somewhere near the front of your bosss mind. Especially in a workplace thats more competitive than collaborative, that desire can lead to a lot of unhealthy behavior as people jockey for high-visibility assignments--sometimes even to the point of subverting their co-workers. The good news is it doesnt have to be so hard or so ethically challenging to be known and thought well of by those above you on the org chart. Here are five things you can say that will endear you to any boss: 1. I have a solution. Bosses hear lots of problems all day, and theyre usually the ones who have to come up with all the solutions. The next time theres an issue that you need to bring to your bosss attention, come prepared with a solution in hand. Whether its implemented or not, finding a solution on your own shows initiative, thoughtful engagement, and creativity. 2. I took care of it. When you make a mistake--and we all do make mistakes, even the best of us--find a way to come to your boss and say, I made a mistake and I took care of it. If possible, also share what youre doing to prevent it from happening again. That way whats most memorable is not the mistake, but rather your responsibility and accountability. 3. Ill do it. Especially when youre already in a high-pressure position, nobody wants to take on more responsibility. But if you look at it from a different perspective, its really an opportunity to show your boss that youre proactive, willing to pitch in, a team player, and reliable--establishing you as a natural go-to person. Sure, its a little extra work, but the payoff is huge. 4. I can help. Offering to help a colleague whos stuck, overburdened, or unexpectedly called away shows interest and a willingness to do more. It also demonstrates your focus on the big picture rather than your own role, and it casts you as an agent of camaraderie and collaboration. 5. I have an idea. Its great for your boss to know you can fix things and that youre willing to go beyond expectations--but its when you bring new ideas to the table that you really shine. It shows that you put your heart into what you do and that youre committed to being truly valuable to the team and organization. Of course, all of this is part of the overall job of building and maintaining a good relationship with your boss. The words dont have to be close to be effective. The first step is always to be seen for who you are and what you can do. Say the things your boss loves to hear--not because theyll advance your career, but because youre a smart, resourceful, responsible, and valuable member of the team. inc/lolly-daskal/5-things-your-boss-loves-to-hear.html
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 18:46:41 +0000

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