Redbud Jelly Makes 4 half pints 2 cups Red Bud petals or other - TopicsExpress


Redbud Jelly Makes 4 half pints 2 cups Red Bud petals or other edible flower petal 2-¼ cups Boiling Water ¼ cups Lemon Juice ¼ teaspoons Butter (I did not use) 1-¾ ounce, weight Box Of Pectin 4 cups sugar Remove the stems and wash the petals thoroughly. Place the clean petals in a glass bowl and pour 2 1/4 cups of boiling water over the petals. Place a lid on the bowl and let the mixture sit on the counter overnight or up to 24 hours. Line a strainer with a paper towel (I used a large coffee filter) and strain the infusion reserving the flower juice in a bowl and discarding the petals. Squeeze the petals into the paper towel to extract every bit of flower juice. Add the 1/4 cup of lemon juice to the flower juice. Into a pot, combine the flower water/ lemon juice mixture, 1/4 teaspoon of butter (if using) and the box of pectin (I mix with 1/2 cup sugar to keep it from clumping). Bring the mixture to a boil stirring occasionally. Quickly add the 4 cups of sugar (or the 3 1/2 cups remaining if you used 1/2 cup to mix with the pectin). Return the mixture to a hard boil stirring occasionally and boil one minute. Remove the mixture from the heat. Skim any foam off the top off the jelly and discard the foam. Pour jelly into jelly jars leaving a 1/4 inch of head space at the top of each jar. Use a plastic utensil to remove air bubbles from each jar of jelly. You do this by inserting the utensil into each jar with an up and down motion. Wipe off the top of each jelly jar making sure there is no jelly there that might prevent a good seal. Place a hot lid on each jar and tighten down with a clean screw band. Place the jars into the boiling water bath for ten minutes. Remove the jars and leave undisturbed for twenty four hours so that they can gel properly.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 14:57:10 +0000

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