Redefine Development I want to alert my friends who are - TopicsExpress


Redefine Development I want to alert my friends who are fascinated by Narendra Modis chant of development. Development in the context of evolution of a society must incorporate establishing ethics, values, citizenship, a shared cultures much as physical infrastructure. Development also means establishing a mechanism for delivering justice, education and healthcare- basic human necessities- without discrimination. Development also means getting rid of those elements of tradition that create discrimination, and divisions within the society. Making super highways, embankments by the river and building malls does not mean anything if our minds are entrenched in retrograde thinking. Making businesses prosper does not mean anything if all sections of the society do not have equitable opportunities to prosper and accumulate wealth. A strong leadership does not mean using authority muzzle dissenting voice and to replace diversity with homogeneity. Dissenting voice and Diversity are the basic requirement for innovation. A good leader is one who can let different perspectives flourish, not one that uses media to promote chauvinism. Development also means respecting the rights of native population and not displacing them to inhuman conditions to build infrastructure for the elite. Both the BJP and the Congress are sponsoring a failed model of development that is inspired by consumerism and crony capitalism. India has the opportunity to emerge as a laboratory for sustainable development. The current upheaval caused by the AAP is a Samudra Manthan that will produce the Nectar for a glorious future. Please discard the regressive forces and give progressive candidates a chance. AAP has the largest collection of inspired individuals committed to change your future. Thank You.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 15:03:41 +0000

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