Redemption is for you. Do you believe that? Have you - TopicsExpress


Redemption is for you. Do you believe that? Have you made it personal with God? Whether you are at work, at home, at the hospital or in a jail cell. He’s whispering, “Be still.” Whether you are struggling with life strains or are in a season of reprieve. “Be still.” Whether you have a house full of crazy-noise or an apartment filled with ordered-quiet. “Be still.” Whether the diagnosis is cancer or the sting of betrayal is fresh – whether the hope you cling to resounds or you are weary and unsettled. “Be still.” Know that He is God. Know that He is good. Accept that He is able and willing to exchange beauty for your ashes. Call out to Him as your Redeemer. Confess your mess before Him. Consider His love. Then in the stillness, respond from your heart. Let’s Pray Dear Lord, My Redeemer, I’m here. I’m still. Please reveal anything in my heart that needs restoring. (Pause to listen and reflect.) I confess these sins to You: ________________ and I ask that You remove them as far as the east is from the west. Thanks for capturing me with Your grace once again. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 10:45:03 +0000

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