Reduce Your Waste Or Else Who Else? Owing to the significance - TopicsExpress


Reduce Your Waste Or Else Who Else? Owing to the significance of understanding the importance of clean and green environment and its continuous and emerging environmental problems, we the Young Moro Professional Network (YMPN) Northern Mindanao ask you to join us in being KHALIFAS to save Mother Earth. There are many easy and practical ways that YOU can reduce the amount of solid waste you produce, and keep RANAW clean and beautiful. Here are a few ideas. REDUCE (tips are sourced online) Take your own bayong/ bag or basket to the grocery and market. Do not accept plastic/ bags for your purchases in stores unless you really need them (e.g. you do not need to place a bag of bread in another bag). Choose products wrapped in the least unnecessary packaging. Buy everything you can in bulk (large economy sizes) rather than small packages that use much more wasteful packaging. Try using concentrated products (e.g. soap) which need less packaging. Buy vegetables loose rather than in plastic bags. Compost vegetable scraps and garden waste. Dont waste food and store leftovers in a reusable container. Give your food scraps to animals. Maintain and repair items (e.g. clothes, appliances) so they last longer. Sell or donate things you dont want instead of throwing them out (e.g. clothes, books can be sold at garage sales or handed down to younger ones) Borrow, rent or share things you dont use often (e.g. tools). Use cloth napkins, sponges and dishcloths instead of paper towels and napkins. Do not take more than you need to use. For example, dont take packets of ketchup, napkins, or utensils from restaurants unless you need them. Use low-energy fluorescent bulbs that last longer than the regular incandescent bulbs. If you mow your lawn or trim plants, let the trimmings remain on the soil to decompose and release important nutrients for the plants to use or use them in a compost bin.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 22:04:32 +0000

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