Referring to my post the other day on GANGSTERS: Greater - TopicsExpress


Referring to my post the other day on GANGSTERS: Greater collective effort needed to fight causes of gangsterism on the Cape Flats. THE ARTICLE Were struggling with gang wars - police Poverty, broken homes, unemployment and a lack of positive role models are the perfect breeding ground for the infestation of gangs and their appeal to vulnerable children on the Cape Flats. With only 27% of those older than 20, having completed Grade 12 or higher, it is no surprise that the community of Delft has an unemployment rate of 40%, with many individuals resorting to unsavoury methods of acquiring basic necessities. Amid these figures lies a sober reality on the Cape Flats - vulnerable children exploited by drug lords and gang bosses, who, along with the media, romanticise the idea of being in a gang. These children endure a daily dance with death as they have now become the runners, smugglers, shooters and spies in the execution of tasks given to them by gang bosses. With a lack of a conventional nuclear family in many of these homes, many children seek and accept affirmation from anyone willing to offer it. Gangs thus become their surrogate family, where they receive a sense of belonging, power and prestige - all things which research shows are generally absent in their lives. In addition to the intense feeling of family provided by gang membership, the initial attraction to the gang life is best described as the rags to riches story, best embodied by rappers such as, 50 Cent, Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G.- who were infamous gang members. Experts assert that many adolescents simply fall victim to the rags to riches fairytale glamourised by popular culture. AFRIKA TIKKUN, a non-profit working in impoverished communities across South Africa, has focused extensively on the community of Delft where gang and drug-related crimes are rife Afrika Tikkun, who have been working in Delft for the last 17 years, extends beyond just the simple services of After-Care. We seek to create a community of enthusiastic and positive youth through the provision of academic assistance, employment networking, computor literacy programmes, food and nutrition as well as performing arts, culture and sports, which hopefully provide affirmations and role models for these vulnerable youth. FAZLIN FRANSMAN, Development and Marketing Executive: Afrika Tikkun, Gardens, Cape Town. It is an overwhelming task who, themselves, put their lives at risk every day. I have never really liked RAP Music (apart from Eminem, if you can listen without taking in the lyrics)......
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:53:50 +0000

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