Refinement of the heart, the defiance against arrogance. - TopicsExpress


Refinement of the heart, the defiance against arrogance. Hello. It is indeed the most substantial factor within the human development. It is the distinct kernel of our structured complex, either physically or spiritually. It is the locus of perceptions and intuitions. Prophet Muhammad taught us that if the heart is refined, the whole body is refined. And if the heart is spoilt, the whole body is spoilt. What contaminates the heart? Doctors can tell you about multiple diseases which instantaneously impacts the physical side of the heart. But here, we specifically talk about what contaminates the apparitional part of the heart. What makes it solicitous and constantly anxious? In this editorial, we will prevail to tenaciously unveil some of the mental diseases of the heart, and what is the best way to properly heal our hearts from their malady. What is arrogance and how should we defy it? Arrogance is overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors. Arrogance is having or revealing an exaggerated sense of your own importance or abilities. This man is so arrogant, and that means he illicitly elevates himself above others, he thinks he is unrivalled. What is the stance of that within Islam? Is that sinful? I am afraid it is not just sinful, but it is the chief cause by which Lucifer was demonized and anathemized. Lucifer thought that he is superior than Adam and thus, he refused to prostrate when he was commanded to. He was commanded to prostrate a prostration of honour, not a prostration of exultation. “I am better than him, you created him from mud, and created me from a smokeless fire”, he directly said to Allah. Lucifer considered that a sufficient justification to exult himself above Adam and his forthcoming ancestry. The sin of Lucifer could be separated into couple of violation acts. 1; He thought that the judgement of Allah glory be to Him was unjust, and consequently, he decided to come up with the one of his own. 2; His false judgement led him to think that he is outstandingly superior, and that may possibly make him to think of asking others to turn to him in worship rather than Allah, and particularly, if he fallaciously prospered to convince his victims, that the judgement of Allah was not good enough, and that he was enormously suppressed. By this deliberate wickedness, Lucifer deserved to be infinitely designated to demonization and devilishness. Why? Why he is demonized?, or why arrogance is critically reprobated within Islam? Well um, both of them. First; why he is demonized? He is demonized because his sinful action extended him to dilute himself to inequitable superiority which is merely merited to Allah glory be to Him. Second; he explicitly disobeyed Allah, he obstinately trespassed within the Divine Presence of Allah glory be to Him. What made Lucifer deserving eternal damnation? His insistence to disobey in obstinacy, and that shall he beguile Adam and his descendants to ultimately dwell eternal hell. Lucifer asked Allah glory be to Him for reprieve, so he can beguile us to comply to our desires, and so he was reprieved. He wants to take us with him to hell, because from his perspective, it was us who got him where he now is. It is all our fault. “I shall beguile most of them, but not the devout ones, except your slaves, I have no access to whisper to them”, he directly said to Allah. He explicitly challenged Allah glory be to Him and thence, he justly deserved eternal damnation. What makes arrogance intensely reprobated within Islam? It is not just strictly prohibited, it is intensely inexcusable. Why? Well, think about it. What it is like when someone acts arrogantly toward others? Does arrogant people like arrogance? Arrogant people may not feel quite well if others approached them with similar egotism. That conceited disposal may proceed farther to unbearable degree. Prophet Muhammad informed us that “shall not he be in heaven whomever his heart is occupied with a measure of atom of arrogance”. Oh messenger of Allah, someone of us likes to have nice sandals and nice garment, is that arrogance?, a man enquired. “Arrogance is rejecting truth and disparaging people”, the messenger said. Islam teaches that arrogance is the source of self-importance. If you feel egotistic because of your ethnicity, nationality, your complexion, or the language you speak, you unfortunately have fall in the devilish entanglement. Lucifer became a devil because of his pride and arrogance. In Islam, the original sin is the sin of the devil, not the sin of Adam and Eve. The original sin in Islam is to think of yourself higher than others because of any advantage you have. If you think of yourself superior than others because you are white skinned or you are American, for instance, that is considered a racial temperament, and it is literally following the footsteps of the devil. Seeking knowledge is compulsory from cradle to grave, because it is a shoreless ocean. _________
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:27:54 +0000

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