ReflecTIONs Jesus called the disciples to a lifetime - TopicsExpress


ReflecTIONs Jesus called the disciples to a lifetime of continuous discipleship, to more more intimate fellowship,to a deeper understanding. It was a calling for loving service to God. Jesus knew that for his teachings and ministry to spread, people must be renewed in their calling daily. Jesus said “Take up your cross daily and follow me.” We are to take up our cross of sacrifice. Yes, this sacrifice usually involves the giving of time, talent, and treasure. It also involves a sacrifice of self, a giving up of our own desires in order to follow Jesus. Anyone who wants to follow Jesus must put aside his or her own desires and conveniences. Jesus’ call is first a call to believe. It is a call to accept him as Savior. It is a beckoning to seek his forgiveness. Sadly, for many, that is where the following ends. But Jesus calls us not just to believe. He calls us also to follow in deeper understanding and in greater service to others. Yet, his calling does not end there either. Jesus calls us to take up our crosses daily, to give up our own desires, and to sacrifice ourselves to his will. Jesus never stops calling us regardless of our age. He never stops calling us whether we are new believers or believers of many years. There is always more we can learn about God. There is always a need for a deeper commitment. There is always something we can do daily to serve God and to serve others. God may not call us to be missionaries, but he may call us to minister to a disabled person in our neighborhood. There is always something we can do for God and others. So often we hear people say: “I have served my time. I’ll let someone else do it now.” When Jesus says “daily,” he means every day of our lives. There is no time period given here. Does it seem like your task is done? Does it seem like your service to God, to the church, and to others is finished? Does it seem like your spiritual growing is complete? No! Jesus is calling you daily to follow more, to learn more, to serve more, and to give more every day. Jesus’ call to us never ends…
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 02:55:45 +0000

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