Reflecting on the profile of some of our political leaders in - TopicsExpress


Reflecting on the profile of some of our political leaders in recent times, got stuck with one I had great admiration for. He was a strange combination of attributes. Indeed a rare specie that can be shrewd yet humble. As lawyer, he was inarguably renowned a ruthless courtroom brawler. In the chambers of parliament, an odd chemistry of a political animal and statemanship whose mastery and application of language has singled him out as an impeccable debater amazingly gifted with captivating eloquence. A remarkable off-shoot of an indentured labourer who has distinguished himself not only as a leader of his people but an outstanding son of Fiji widely admired by all communities. Hes none other than NFP and former Opposition Leader Jai Ram Reddy who took up the NFP leadership during one of the most extraordinary times in our political history. Had the good fortune of serving with him in parliament for 7 years. Ive always reckoned he would have been Sir Jai two decades back had we continued to be headed by the the grand lady at Buckingham. He was a stabilisibg influence and widely admired for the wisdom and foresight he brought to the negotiation table where the 1997 constituion was formulated. In an article some years back, I had claimed if anyone, it was he that helped transformed the political perspectives of Sitiveni Rabuka from the trappings of a monopolistic mindset to one with a pluralistic approach - from ethnic doination to one of power sharing, racial equality and social justice - attributes and values embraced by the 1997 constitution. When the dust settles and our new political order takes form come September, we can only hope to see more of the likes of this distinguished leader in the most powerful institution of the land. But hell surely be missed.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 22:20:30 +0000

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