Reflection 27th July 2013 The Person of Christ – The Lord’s - TopicsExpress


Reflection 27th July 2013 The Person of Christ – The Lord’s Prayer. Our Father in heaven,[a] Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.[b] Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. 3 Give us day by day our daily bread. 4 And forgive us our sins, For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.”[c] The Lord’s Prayer is one that is known by most if not all believers of Christ. Many also have shared their mediation and reflection on this wonderful prayer that our Lord Jesus modeled for us. As I was reflecting on the words of this wonderful simple but yet comprehensive prayer, I felt the leading of the Lord to the last verse of the prayer. “And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one.” I began asking the Lord what He is telling me and how may I then share with my friends and loved ones. I began to ask God how then can we live a life that will display His leading that will truly reflect the words of this simple verse that says, “And do not lead us into temptation”. To live a life that will lead us not into temptation, I believe that we need to ask from our Lord one very important gift. This gift is Wisdom. Wisdom is important for our day to day living and this is illustrated by the fact that God puts in one entire book with 31 chapters in the Bible for us to live a life that will not lead us into temptation. In James 1:5 it is recorded for us that “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” However, having wisdom alone is not sufficient. Having wisdom alone will not “deliver us from the evil one”. In order for God to deliver us from the evil one, I believe we also need determination to go that journey with our Good Lord and as in 2 Timothy 4:7 concludes for us, that we may eventually “have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” Dear Brethren’s, to live a godly life on our own intellect is akin to digging our own grave and burying ourselves with the consequence of our sin. We can never do it on our own because our adversary is the master deceiver. Only through Christ, in His Wisdom, can we then truly “submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from us” as Scripture commands of us in James 4:7. Finally, only when we have done the above, then can we “Come near to God, and He will come near to you”. Let us approach God with all sincerity of heart and not be hypocrites. Jesus Loves You and His Perfect Love cast out all fear. Shalom.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 06:07:10 +0000

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