Reflection 28th July 2013 Today is a busy day for me – busier - TopicsExpress


Reflection 28th July 2013 Today is a busy day for me – busier than my other Sundays. Waking up at 0900 hours, I started the day off by helping my wife change number 4 and 5 out of their diapers and proceed to prepare milk for number 2, 3, 4 and 5. Then it was off to prepare breakfast with my wife for the family before my dearest sets off to teach her Sunday class at a neighbor shopping mall till 1900 hours. The time was 1000 hours. Before my mother in law comes at 1300, I have about 4 hours of quality time with my 5 lovely angels. I have to plan and trust God for His Endowment of Wisdom for me to execute what I have set out for the family to do for the day. Soon, it was 1030 hours and I set off to do the first thing that I had to do for the day - bake a loaf of bread for my sister law. Giving instructions to my number 2 and 3, I told them to look after number 4 and 5, engaged them with the Lego bricks that my wife and I had bought for them. I then turned to my eldest and asked her to help me sieve the floor for the bread so that I can proceed to prepare lunch. The time now is 1115 hours. In the kitchen, I sliced the cuttle fish into thin strips, unthawed the scallops and squid roll, fried the paper thin omelet, washed the rice, diced the potatoes and set the cooker so that the porridge will be ready for the family to consume by 1245 hours. The time now is 1145 hours and my eldest informed me that the flour is ready for use. Number 2, 3, 4 and 5 are still playing happily in the living room. I then proceed to pour all the ingredients in the Kenwood Bread machine and all was over in 5 minutes. Switching on the machine, the whirl of the motor can be heard as I joined my angels in the living room. With toys strewn all over the floor, walking was challenging. But there are so much screams of joy and laughter that is seldom heard these days… What makes it even sweeter was that my eldest 3 shares with me that they intend to spend time today memorizing Galatians 5:22-23. Galatians 5:22-23 tells us “22 But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 humility, and self-control. There is no law against such things as these.” Witnessing how my children goes about playing with each other and how my wife lovingly bless, serve and nurture the family (Including me), I am beginning to have a renewed understanding of what Paul the apostle meant when he was inspired by the Holy Spirit to pen these words down in his letter to the Galatian church. Indeed, today I also sense the leading of the Holy Spirit as we goes about serving each other over and above our own wants and needs. Today, I have experienced first-hand the words of Galatians 5:24 “24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have put to death their human nature with all its passions and desires.” God is Good, all the time. All the time, God is Good!! Shalom
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 14:15:40 +0000

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