Reflection: Celebrating God’s Presence Nov 02, 2013 05:01 pm, - TopicsExpress


Reflection: Celebrating God’s Presence Nov 02, 2013 05:01 pm, by Chris Greer The question is not “is God present?” Scripture tells us he is, and the overall Biblical narrative bears witness. So, the question is, “do we recognize his presence?” I was recently challenged to try to recognize God in his creation all around me. In response I chose not to look at my cell phone when I am outside. I don’t know about you, but I often find myself pulling out my cell phone to text, check Facebook, or scroll through my calendar every time I walk out of a building. I stare at that little touch screen every step from the building to my car, then from my car back into a building. When I do that, guess what I notice all around me? Nothing! That’s just it. I don’t recognize God’s presence because I’m not looking for it. Exercise: Genesis 1 tells us that mankind was created in his image. So this week, when you look at the people around you, recognize God’s image in them. Romans 1 tells us God’s nature can be readily seen in his creation. So this week, when you see the sunset or feel the breeze, recognize God’s presence in them. Proverbs tells us wisdom points to God. So when you or someone around you makes a wise choice, recognize God in it. Ephesians tells us that God is present in the church. So recognize his presence when you talk with another believer. In John 15 Jesus himself tells us that we can be unified with him. So as you pray, read, sing, and live, recognize that God is very, very close, and enjoy him.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 18:42:03 +0000

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