Reflection ahead of the Sun-Mercury conjunction on Monday the 8th - TopicsExpress


Reflection ahead of the Sun-Mercury conjunction on Monday the 8th December amidst the Tempest of Transition We are living through the Kairos, a Greek term for the ‘right time’ for a ‘metamorphosis of the gods’. It is a time wherein we, as a collective, and you as an individual, are experiencing a massive shift in how we/ you orientate (y)ourselves to life. As the Tempest reaches another peak this month, we are all living through a time of immense transformation and one wherein the quality of your consciousness will define how and what you create. The creation of the One Mind, is a perfect time for creating a singular focused ideal that will be the message that you share with the world you live within. So permit me to throw out there a couple of questions, as Mercury is irresistibly drawn back into the arms of the Sun on Monday within the sign of Sagittarius, a sign that is ultimately about the exchange of Light. What you truly believe in is the single most important question to ask! Moreover, is that belief truly yours, or has it been honed and refined by a religious/ political/ humanitarian/ economic/ cultural creed? Simply put, what is the quality of the Light that you are sharing? What is your message? What is it within you that inspires you to live? Agent EI cosmicintelligenceagency/…/new-moon-at-0-sa…/
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 09:14:10 +0000

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